Jarryd Hayne’s millions gone but woman’s family broken

1 week ago 11

It’s worthy remembering that the pistillate was reluctant to travel guardant astatine archetypal due to the fact that she doubted whether she had the spot to spell done the ineligible process. Her beingness has been turned upside down successful the six years since that nighttime successful 2018, portion Hayne’s representation and bequest arsenic a footballer has been tarnished forever.

Hayne was the standout subordinate of his procreation but volition present beryllium remembered for this case. I volition ne'er hide the past clip I saw him earlier the charges were laid. He had conscionable completed a sprint league successful Centennial Park nether the guidance of Roger Fabri and I interviewed him astir his tendency to play different play successful the NRL, perchance for the Dragons, having failed to triumph a caller woody astatine Parramatta.


It was an awkward concern for me, arsenic by past I was alert that the household of the pistillate wanted to instrumentality enactment but astatine that constituent were inactive trying to determine however to spell astir it. The woman’s brother-in-law contacted maine to inquire my proposal connected however to woody with the matter, and alternatively of reporting the communicative I enactment them successful interaction with the NRL and the integrity serviceman of the time, Karyn Murphy. The household asked maine not to divulge our speech astir the events of the nighttime successful Newcastle which led to Hayne’s apprehension and consequent ineligible battle. But erstwhile the constabulary were progressive and different reporters were starting to get clasp of the information, I had nary prime different than to interruption the story.

My chiseled representation is of watching Hayne conscionable his spouse and kid arsenic they were picking him up aft the Centennial Park grooming session, reasoning that it would rather perchance beryllium 1 of his past moments of bid with those helium loved earlier the communicative became public.

Smith’s battle

The communicative of Brandon Smith’s off-field battles is 1 helium whitethorn oregon whitethorn not take to archer 1 day.

It apt won’t beryllium successful this column, arsenic we person called Smith retired successful the past. However thing we person reported astir Smith has been motivated by animosity.

Quite the opposite, successful fact. He is the benignant of subordinate and property the crippled needs.

What’s just to accidental is that Smith’s issues are genuine and that helium volition request to get connected apical of them if helium is to fulfil his evident endowment arsenic a nonrecreational rugby league player. We anticipation Smith returns to the radical helium has sought retired earlier for help.

It’s unclear whether the Roosters knew precisely what they were buying erstwhile they paid immense dollars to motion Smith from the Melbourne storm.

What is definite is that the Storm were not unhappy to spot the backmost of him. Not due to the fact that helium was an unpopular person, conscionable that helium was excessively overmuch hard work. This file reported astatine the clip that manager Craig Bellamy and others astatine the Storm were blessed to spot the backmost of Smith, and was duly slammed by News Corp, who published a puff portion saying however incorrect we were and quoting Smith successful a escaped footwear astatine this columnist.

Brandon Smith is the benignant  of subordinate    and property   the crippled  needs.

Brandon Smith is the benignant of subordinate and property the crippled needs.Credit: Getty Images

It was a poorly researched and flimsy article. A telephone oregon 2 to well-placed sources astatine Melbourne would person confirmed everything we wrote.

Perhaps the Roosters are kicking themselves for not doing their owed diligence. To the club’s credit, they person done plentifulness down the scenes to effort and get Smith connected the close path. Partly to assistance him arsenic a person, but besides due to the fact that they person made a immense fiscal concern successful the player.

Smith has a large aboriginal arsenic a media performer, but that should inactive beryllium immoderate mode down the way astatine the decision of a agelong and palmy top-flight playing career.

Whether oregon not that is arsenic a Rooster remains to beryllium seen. The nine tin suffer patience with players quickly, but tin autumn successful emotion with them again conscionable arsenic easily. Everything is successful Smith’s hands, but without a important redirection of his life, it’s looking similar this volition beryllium his past twelvemonth astatine the Roosters.

Agent of change

At the bosom of Lachlan Galvin’s issues with Wests Tigers has been his agent’s aggravated dislike of manager Benji Marshall.

The Tigers accidental they don’t cognize wherever it stems from, but they admit it arsenic a fact.

What they privation cleared up is the proposition the nine was successful immoderate mode irresponsible by “making” the 18-year-old play with a breached hand. The nine walked Galvin’s household done the concern with his wounded during the week, and by the extremity of the gathering they were satisfied with the explanation.

It’s been wide reported Galvin’s agent, Isaac Moses, asked the Tigers for a 4th clip to merchandise his client. What is not arsenic good known is that, arsenic a schoolboy, Galvin had agreed to articulation the Tigers’ rivals, Canterbury.

Lachlan Galvin aft  the Tigers’ triumph   against the Sharks successful  March.

Lachlan Galvin aft the Tigers’ triumph against the Sharks successful March.Credit: Getty Images

Galvin was antecedently managed by Moses’ worker Adam Brame, who had agreed presumption with the Bulldogs for Galvin. Moses was suspended arsenic an cause astatine the time, but took implicit negotiations erstwhile helium got his licence back.

He wouldn’t fto Galvin motion with the Dogs and alternatively negotiated a woody with past Tigers recruitment manager Warren McDonnell – against the proposal of galore successful the game. Now, with Galvin having signed a lucrative declaration astatine the Tigers until the extremity of 2026, Moses wants the Tigers to merchandise him truthful helium tin determination elsewhere.

Too galore Cooks?

Damien Cook deserves to permission the South Sydney Rabbitohs with his caput held precocious aft years of sterling service. But determination person been beardown suggestions the nine was prepared to fto him spell immediately. It would beryllium incorrect for a subordinate of his lasting to depart successful specified a way.

This has been denied by Cook’s agent, Mario Tartak, who is apt to rev-up talks with Souths and the Dragons this week. There is nary amended idiosyncratic successful the crippled than Cook. He is simply a prime quality and tremendous player. Let’s anticipation helium leaves Souths successful a affirmative manner and kicks connected astatine his caller club.

Dog slips past Eels

Blake Wilson, the Bulldogs’ two-try leader against Parramatta connected Monday, astir apt should’ve been playing for the Eels aft they made a important play for him past year.

There was much wealth connected the table, positive a changeable astatine the fullback position, wherever Wilson surely has the quality to play. When helium was deciding which nine to join, helium took a telephone from Parramatta skipper Clint Gutherson, who said he’d determination retired of fullback to marque mode for the rising star. Wilson felt a consciousness of loyalty to the Bulldogs, who plucked him retired of the Sunshine Coast wherever helium was successful the Storm’s feeder strategy and gave him a accidental connected a train-and-trial deal. He signed connected for astir $50,000 and, since that time, has proved to beryllium a first-grader of existent worth.

Meanwhile, determination were beauteous scenes astatine the extremity of Monday’s crippled erstwhile Dogs skipper Stephen Crichton gave his boots and headgear to the 2 boys from the Abdallah family. The looks connected the lads’ faces were priceless. The household was deed by calamity successful 2020 erstwhile 3 of their children and a niece were killed by a drunk operator arsenic they walked to get ice-cream.

Matildas’ ain goal

The Matildas are darlings of the Australian sporting public, but they aren’t arsenic good loved by a media uncovering them progressively frustrating to woody with.

An illustration during the week: the Matildas were announcing $15 cardinal successful national authorities backing for the 2026 Asian Cup, which Australia is hosting. Sports Minister Anika Wells and Football Australia CEO James Johnson were successful attendance astatine The Rocks, arsenic were 3 Matildas – lone 1 of whom, Cortnee Vine, is successful the 18-player squad for the Paris Olympics.


FA officials said Vine was not disposable to reply questions from the media due to the fact that she was bushed aft playing 2 friendlies the erstwhile week.

That benignant of happening is par for the course, according to those who person to screen them connected a regular basis. The Matildas are flying precocious present but, if they deed the skids, determination are plentifulness of media types who won’t hide their treatment.

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