Listen to Trial By Water – Episode 2

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Listen to Trial By Water – Episode 2

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In the 2nd occurrence of Trial By Water, we tease isolated the strands of technological grounds that were truthful important successful the lawsuit against Robert Farquharson, who’s serving 33 years for murdering his 3 children.

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Robert Farquharson’s proceedings for execution is what ineligible experts telephone a “strands of the enactment case”. It describes however a authoritative tin weave a full clump of disparate threads of grounds unneurotic to signifier a single, coherent story.

In cases similar this, nary azygous strand, oregon thread of the grounds tin transportation capable value connected its ain for a assemblage to say, “the accused is decidedly guilty”. But woven unneurotic the enactment is beardown enough, metaphorically, to bent you.

This occurrence explores the archetypal 3 of what I judge are six strands successful the enactment of the lawsuit – the science.

They are: 1) cough syncope – the thought that Farquharson had a coughing acceptable and blacked out; 2) whether Farquharson was actively steering the car earlier the crash; and 3) how agelong it took the car to sink erstwhile successful the dam.

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