Meta AI starts rolling out to users in India across WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook

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2 min read 24 Jun 2024, 08:52 AM IST checkcibilBtn

Aman Gupta

Meta AI adjunct is being introduced successful India via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Meta.AI website. It offers real-time hunt results, basal task handling, representation and GIF generation, and integration with fashionable apps similar WhatsApp and Messenger.

Meta AI has started rolling retired  Meta AI for users successful  India. (HT_PRINT)Premium Meta AI has started rolling retired Meta AI for users successful India. (HT_PRINT)

Meta is yet rolling retired its AI chatbot, the Meta AI assistant, to users successful India done its ain applications similar WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Messenger arsenic good arsenic a abstracted website astatine Meta.AI. Notably, the Facebook genitor institution had unveiled Meta AI much than 2 months agone and besides made it disposable successful countries similar Australia, Canada and New Zealand. However, India did not marque the archetypal chopped for the Meta AI rollout, possibly owed to the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.

Meta AI volition beryllium disposable crossed searches connected Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger. Additionally, users volition besides beryllium capable to get insights from Meta AI portion scrolling done posts connected their Facebook app. The AI adjunct besides comes with real-time hunt results from Microsoft and Google, truthful it tin beryllium invoked successful those radical chats to get real-time schematics connected things similar readying a travel oregon uncovering the slightest crowded mode to a destination.

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Like different AI assistants connected the market, Meta AI tin easy execute basal tasks specified arsenic penning emails, creating poems, summarising text, translating substance betwixt antithetic languages and truthful forth. The AI adjunct tin besides make images and GIFs successful the chat window.

By acold the astir peculiar happening astir Meta AI is that each of its caller AI features are disposable straight from fashionable apps similar WhatsApp and Messenger, meaning that users bash not request to entree different app similar ChatGPT oregon Gemini conscionable to get immoderate assistance from an AI.

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While Meta AI is expected to beryllium rolling retired from today, I couldn't find the AI adjunct connected my WhatsApp, Instagram oregon Facebook crossed a scope of devices. What's more, visiting the Meta AI website besides brings up the connection 'Meta AI is not yet disposable successful your country', suggesting that the AI adjunct whitethorn beryllium rolled retired to users successful a phased manner.

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Published: 24 Jun 2024, 08:33 AM IST

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