Russian satellite breaks up in space, forcing ISS astronauts to shelter in capsules

2 days ago 4
By Joey Roulette

June 28, 2024 — 5.57am

Washington: A defunct Russian outer has breached up into much than 100 pieces of debris successful orbit, forcing astronauts connected the International Space Station to instrumentality structure for astir an hr and adding to the wide of abstraction junk already successful orbit, US abstraction agencies said.

There were nary contiguous details connected what caused the break-up of the RESURS-P1 Russian Earth reflection satellite, which was declared dormant successful 2022.

The International Space Station.

The International Space Station.Credit: SpaceX

US Space Command, tracking the debris swarm, said determination was nary contiguous menace to different satellites.

The lawsuit took spot astatine astir 10am Denver-time connected Wednesday, Space Command said.

Russia’s abstraction bureau Roscosmos, which operated the satellite, did not instantly respond to a petition for comment.

Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are staying longer than expected connected  the International Space Station.

Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are staying longer than expected connected the International Space Station.Credit: AP

Radars from US space-tracking steadfast LeoLabs detected the outer releasing respective fragments up until 6pm Mountain Time, the institution said.

US Space Command, which has its ain planetary web of space-tracking radars, said the satellite instantly created “over 100 pieces of trackable debris”.

Large debris-generating events successful orbit are uncommon but of expanding interest arsenic abstraction becomes crowded with outer networks captious to mundane beingness connected Earth.

Russia sparked beardown disapproval from the US and different Western countries successful 2021 erstwhile it struck 1 of its defunct satellites successful orbit with a ground-based anti-satellite (ASAT) rocket launched from its Plesetsk rocket site.

The blast, investigating a limb strategy up of Moscow’s 2022 penetration of Ukraine, created thousands of pieces of orbital debris.

In the astir 88-minute model of RESURS-P1’s archetypal break-up, the Plesetsk tract was 1 of galore locations connected Earth it passed over, but determination was nary contiguous denotation from airspace oregon maritime alerts that Russia had launched a rocket to onslaught the satellite, space-tracker and Harvard astronomer Jonathan McDowell said.

“I find it hard to judge they would usage specified a large outer arsenic an ASAT target,” McDowell said. “But, with the Russians these days, who knows.”

He and different analysts speculated the break-up could person been caused by a occupation with the satellite, specified arsenic leftover substance onboard causing an explosion.

The six US astronauts presently connected the abstraction presumption were alerted by NASA ngo power successful Houston astir 9pm ET connected Wednesday to execute “safe haven” procedures, wherever each unit subordinate rushes into the spacecraft they arrived in, successful lawsuit an exigency departure is required.

NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Sunni Williams boarded their Starliner spacecraft, the Boeing-built capsule that has been docked since June 6 successful its archetypal crewed trial ngo connected the station.


Three of the different US astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut went into SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule that flew them to the presumption successful March, portion the sixth US astronaut joined the 2 remaining cosmonauts successful their Russian Soyuz capsule that ferried them determination successful September past year.

The astronauts emerged from their spacecraft astir an hr aboriginal and resumed their mean enactment connected the station, NASA said.


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