WATCH: Fox News Digital voter group reacts to Trump answer criticizing Biden on inflation

2 days ago 3

A Fox News Digital absorption radical of Republicans, Democrats and Independents utilized dials to respond unrecorded to erstwhile President Trump's disapproval of President Biden's economical record, saying helium inherited nary ostentation erstwhile helium took office.

During the CNN Presidential Debate, moderator Jake Tapper asked Trump to relationship for his connection for a 10% tariff connected each goods coming into the U.S. connected however helium would guarantee that it wouldn’t worsen inflation. 

Trump said it wouldn’t thrust prices higher, but unit countries similar China "who person been ripping america disconnected for years" to wage the U.S. a batch of money. 

trump-biden statesmanlike  debate

Democrats, Independents, and Republicans respond to the statesmanlike statement utilizing dials.  (Fox News Digital)

"It’s going to conscionable unit them to wage america a batch of money, trim our shortage tremendously and springiness america a batch of powerfulness for different things," Trump said. 

These comments received the astir affirmative effect from Republicans and Independents arsenic indicated by the dials, which changeable upwards. Democrats’ reception was moderately negative, dipping somewhat downwards. 


Trump conceded his opponent’s constituent that helium inherited "the largest taxation [and regulation] chopped successful history." 

"That’s wherefore we had each the jobs," Trump said. "And the jobs went down and past they bounced back. That’s wherefore he’s taking recognition for bounce-back jobs. You can’t bash that." 

With these comments, Republicans and Independents were mostly successful agreement, showing affirmative reaction, portion Democrats’ reactions remained neutral to negative. 

"He besides said helium inherited 9% inflation. He inherited astir nary inflation. And it stayed that mode for 14 months. And past it blew nether his enactment due to the fact that they spent wealth similar a batch of radical who didn’t cognize what they were doing," Trump said. 

Joe Biden, Donald Trump

President Biden and erstwhile President Trump debated connected Thursday night.  (Getty Images)

With these comments, Independents notably diverged from Republicans, showing a much antagonistic reaction. Republicans’ and Democrats’ reactions mostly stayed the same. 

Elsewhere successful the debate, Trump said "the lone jobs [Biden] created are for amerciable immigrants and bounce backmost jobs that bounced backmost from COVID." 


A flash canvass conducted by CNN aft the statesmanlike statement showed Trump soundly defeating President Biden

Bradford Betz is simply a Fox News Digital breaking newsman covering crime, political issues, and overmuch more. 

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