North Queensland bus crash leaves three dead, two fighting for life

1 day ago 2

Two young men are warring for their lives successful a northbound Queensland infirmary aft a catastrophic clang betwixt a Greyhound autobus and four-wheel-drive towing a caravan killed 3 women and injured galore others.

The Greyhound autobus carrying 33 radical and 4WD had been travelling successful other directions adjacent Gumlu, successful the Whitsundays region, connected Sunday erstwhile they collided successful a 100km/h portion connected the Bruce Highway.

Police described the chaotic clang country arsenic “very, precise confronting” with investigations ongoing into the origin of the tragedy.

The autobus was heading to Townsville, astir 1.5 hours from wherever the clang took place.

Seven radical were taken to Townsville University Hospital pursuing the crash.

Acting Chief Medical Officer Jason Yates said arsenic of Sunday evening 3 radical had been discharged.

Four radical remained successful infirmary with 2 men aged 24 and 23 successful captious information and different 2 men, 27 and 51, successful a unchangeable condition.

Whitsunday Mayor Ry Collins said the country of the road tin beryllium challenging and it feels similar a “country road”.

“The situation is this is the nationalist road ... for galore of our confederate listeners, if you are to thrust the roadworthy it doesn’t consciousness similar a highway, it feels similar a state road,” Collins told ABC radio.

“There’s nary shoulders connected the road, it is simply a reasonably unfastened conception truthful I’d ideate the vehicles coming either mode would person been capable to spot each different but there’s evidently been thing happened present wherever one’s veered into the other’s lane.”

Greyhound Australia said successful a connection the institution was “heartbroken” 3 passengers aboard the Brisbane to Townsville work had died.

“This is simply a tragic incident. Our deepest sympathies spell retired to those progressive and their families and friends,” they said.

The Bruce Highway has since reopened.

Queensland Police Mackay territory Superintendent Graeme Paine said the 4WD towing the caravan was travelling southbound connected the Bruce Highway astatine the clip of the collision, portion the autobus was travelling north.

Given it was a 100km/h zone, that resulted successful a “significant impact”, helium said.

The clang near the Townsville-bound Greyhound autobus resting connected bid tracks, which ran parallel to the highway.

Images connected  societal  media amusement   the autobus  connected  the obstruction   tracks (left of picture).

Images connected societal media amusement the autobus connected the obstruction tracks (left of picture).Credit: Facebook

“A clang similar this is very, precise confronting, and the archetypal responders and the assemblage members connected country astatine the clip person done a precise important occupation successful trying to assistance those who are injured and safeguard the country and effort and assistance those who request aesculapian attention,” Paine said.

Emergency services were called to the country   aft  reports the vehicles had collided.

Emergency services were called to the country aft reports the vehicles had collided.Credit: Queensland Ambulance

The clang comes six months aft 36 radical had to evacuate a Greyhound bus connected Christmas Day past year, astir 120 kilometres further northbound on the Bruce Highway.

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