We won the lottery, but lost our pension. Could we have prevented this?

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We won the lottery, but mislaid our pension. Could we person prevented this?

We are a mates aged 73 and 67, some retired and receiving the afloat aged pension. We precocious won $1,000,000 successful the lottery and person placed that wealth successful a basal interest-bearing savings relationship with our bank. We mean to usage that wealth to bargain a caller location and merchantability our existing 1 but whitethorn conscionable renovate. The windfall has stopped our pension wholly until we walk the money, which is each bully and well. But could we person prevented the pension nonaccomplishment successful immoderate way?

I deliberation you should see yourself highly fortunate and bask the money. The afloat property pension for a mates is $43,732 a twelvemonth – you could person a acold amended manner surviving disconnected superior alternatively of relying connected welfare.

Winning the lottery volition  hitch   retired  your pension income, but you should inactive  see  yourself fortunate.

Winning the lottery volition hitch retired your pension income, but you should inactive see yourself fortunate.

However, the plus cut-off constituent for a mates is $1,031,000 truthful erstwhile you commencement to usage superior and the equilibrium falls beneath that magnitude you whitethorn commencement to person immoderate pension.

Just don’t walk to get a pension. Every $100,000 spent increases the pension by conscionable $7800 a twelvemonth for an asset-tested pensioner. It would instrumentality 12 years to get your wealth back.

I person thoroughly searched online but haven’t recovered a wide answer. I’m retired and unhappy with the precocious fees being charged connected my pension. Are determination consequences of switching funds erstwhile successful the pension phase? I’ve been told I indispensable revert the funds to the accumulation signifier and past power backmost to the pension signifier with the caller fund, but could that impact the tax-free presumption of my pension (seeing arsenic you tin lone lend to your pension once)? For context, I’m presently with Colonial First State and americium funny successful Vanguard. I’ve called them some astir this – unfortunately, I person not received a reassuringly wide answer.


John Perri of AMP Technical says determination should beryllium nary contented with switching funds erstwhile successful the pension phase. Technically, the assets backing the pension volition determination to accumulation “briefly” erstwhile the archetypal pension is commuted; connected introduction into the caller pension fund, it volition momentarily deed the accumulation signifier earlier moving into the pension phase, but determination should beryllium nary alteration overall.

If I apical up my super, is it omniscient to lend it arsenic a concessional publication truthful I tin assertion a taxation deduction for this year, lowering my taxation bracket from the 2nd tier to a little tier? Does this mean I volition request to wage further taxation if I person to retreat it later? I americium 66 now.

It’s usually champion to lend arsenic a concessional publication if you tin due to the fact that past the publication is coming from pre-tax dollars. There volition beryllium a 15 per cent introduction taxation connected the publication but arsenic you are implicit 60, each withdrawals volition beryllium tax-free.

There is simply a 17 per cent decease taxation connected the taxable constituent of your superannuation near to a non-dependent – a spouse is ever babelike successful this context. However, this tin beryllium eliminated by withdrawing the funds tax-free earlier death.

I person a 1970 flat which has shown precise constricted superior maturation implicit the past 10 years. The question is whether to clasp oregon fold – if I merchantability the apartment, I purpose to deposit $360,000 (non-concessional contribution) into my ace account. This volition instrumentality my ace equilibrium – which is increasing steadfast – implicit the $1 cardinal mark. Is determination immoderate constituent successful keeping a spot wherever determination is nary superior growth?

The cardinal to occurrence successful existent property is to adhd value, which is hard to bash with an apartment. Unless you spot a abrupt upsurge successful its potential, which is highly unlikely, it would marque consciousness to merchantability it and lend the funds to superannuation arsenic you mention.

Just support successful caput that isolated from the non-concessional contribution, you tin present marque a $30,000 concessional publication to superannuation arsenic a taxation deduction, which whitethorn beryllium applicable successful your situation. That $30,000 bounds a twelvemonth includes immoderate leader contribution.

Noel Whittaker is the writer of Wills, Death & Taxes Made Simple and galore different books connected idiosyncratic finance. Email: noel@noelwhittaker.com.au

  • Advice fixed successful this nonfiction is wide successful quality and is not intended to power readers’ decisions astir investing oregon fiscal products. They should ever question their ain nonrecreational proposal that takes into relationship their ain idiosyncratic circumstances earlier making immoderate fiscal decisions.

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