Q1 results preview: From TCS to HCL Tech, IT sector revenue growth expected to improve sequentially

2 days ago 3

IT assemblage companies volition footwear disconnected the net play for the archetypal 4th of FY25, with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys, Wipro, and others starring the mode successful announcing their Q1FY25 results.

The net of the IT services assemblage for the April-June 2024 4th is expected to beryllium a mixed container with sluggish gross maturation and improving operating margins.

Revenues of IT services companies are apt to retrieve pursuing a tepid Q4FY24, arsenic the ramp-up of ample cost-takeout deals could thrust maturation for large-caps successful a seasonally beardown quarter, analysts said.

“The brutal wintertime of discretionary walk cuts successful the manufacture is apt over, but determination is small grounds of a betterment successful the travel business. Hence, we are connected way for 1 of the weakest archetypal quarters for astatine slightest 10 years. The situation, though somewhat better, is eerily akin to what we witnessed successful 1HFY24. We would beryllium looking for signs of betterment successful discretionary spending successful the signifier of woody activities, which person been heavy skewed towards cost-takeout projects,” brokerage steadfast Motilal Oswal said.

Deal wins successful the BFSI and Communications vertices implicit the past mates of quarters are expected to commencement accelerating successful this quarter, offering immoderate respite to maturation rates for these verticals.

The cross-currency interaction for the 4th is expected to beryllium minimal. On an average, analysts expect 10-20 cross-currency headwinds connected a sequential basis.

According to overseas brokerage steadfast Nomura, Q1FY25 volition people the bottommost of sluggish gross maturation for the Indian IT services sector. It believes involvement complaint chopped rhythm (likely successful H2CY24) and a imaginable thaw successful decision-making by US corporates station US elections successful November 2024 could supply fillip to demand.


Revenue maturation of Tier-I IT companies successful Q1FY24 is estimated to beryllium successful the scope of -0.5% to +2.0% QoQ successful CC. Revenue of Tier-II IT players is expected to turn by -1.5% to +5.0% QoQ successful CC terms, arsenic per estimates by Motilal Oswal.

Nomura expects a mixed operating show for its sum universe. Amongst ample caps, it expects the strongest gross maturation astatine +2.5% QoQ (in changeless currency oregon cc terms) for Infosys and the weakest astatine -2% QoQ successful CC from HCL Technologies.

In mid-caps, it expects the strongest gross maturation of +5% QoQ successful CC from Persistent Systems and the weakest from L&T Technology Services astatine -2%.


IT assemblage margins for the 4th ended June 2024 are apt to stay mostly range-bound arsenic the benefits from deferring wage hikes and benign currency movements could beryllium offset by the ongoing situation of recovering mislaid volumes.

Motilal Oswal expects TCS’ EBIT borderline to declaration by astir 150 bps QoQ, mostly owed to wage hikes. For HCL Technologies, it expects borderline contraction to beryllium steeper owed to seasonality successful its bundle business. For Infosys, it expects borderline to amended somewhat by 30 bp arsenic gains from its cost-benefit programs are offset by visa and different seasonal costs (with nary wage hikes). Tech Mahindra’s margins are expected to stay muted, whereas Wipro should fare better.

Among mid-caps, Motilal Oswal expects astir companies to study a sequential borderline contraction.


Analysts expect nary changes successful guidance oregon commentary from companies connected FY25 gross growth. The absorption of the commentaries is apt to stay connected request pick-up successful 2HFY25, indicating a much normalized FY26 spending environment.

Here are Q1 results previews of apical 5 IT companies:


TCS is estimated to spot maturation of 1.6% QoQ CC, led by woody standard up, including the BSNL deal, which is ramping up arsenic per plan. The company’s EBIT borderline is expected to declaration 150 bps QoQ owing to wage hikes successful Q1FY25.

The woody pipeline should stay healthy. Outlook connected near-term request & pricing environment, BFSI, and woody wins are cardinal monitorables, Motilal Oswal said.


Infosys’ gross maturation successful Q1FY24 is expected to rebound to 2.0% QoQ CC, connected relationship of ramp-up of ample deals won successful FY24. Motilal Oswal expects the woody TCV to beryllium robust successful Q1; however, deals should beryllium skewed towards the cost-takeout initiatives.

Infosys Q1 operating borderline is expected to emergence by 30 bps owing to maturation and lack of wage hikes. The brokerage steadfast expects Infosys’ operating borderline to beryllium astatine 20.4%. The IT large is besides apt to support its maturation guidance of 1-3% CC for FY25.

HCL Technologies

HCL Technologies is expected to study a gross diminution of ~2% QoQ successful a seasonally anemic quarter, mostly owed to yearly productivity pass-backs to clients and a fewer planned ramp downs successful its IT services business. Its borderline whitethorn declaration 80 bps QoQ owed to seasonal headwinds. The institution is apt to clasp its FY25 gross maturation guidance of 3-5%.


IT large Wipro is expected to study ~0.5% diminution successful the June 4th owed to the macro interaction and continued softness successful verticals. The IT services’ borderline is expected to beryllium scope bound, and could spot a marginal dip, portion expect continued softness successful cardinal verticals specified arsenic retail and communications led by cautious lawsuit spending behaviour is expected.


LTI Mindtree is estimated to study 0.7% CC maturation successful the 4th ended June 2024, dragged by anemic request situation and brushed discretionary spending. Manufacturing is expected to execute on akin lines, whereas BFSI should spot tailwinds from the low-base effect, according to Motilal Oswal. The company’s borderline is apt to spot a sequential pickup of 90 bps QoQ owed to reversion of a one-off interaction and amended operating leverage.

Disclaimer: The views and recommendations made supra are those of idiosyncratic analysts oregon broking companies, and not of Mint. We counsel investors to cheque with certified experts earlier making immoderate concern decisions.

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