Stampede at Religious Event in India Kills Dozens

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Many women and children were among the dead, and the fig of fatalities could rise, a aesculapian authoritative said.

Sameer Yasir

July 2, 2024, 8:20 a.m. ET

At slightest 27 radical were killed, and dozens much injured, successful a stampede during a spiritual lawsuit successful the bluish Indian authorities of Uttar Pradesh, wherever hundreds of devotees had gathered.

Umesh Kumar Tripathi, a aesculapian serviceman successful the territory of Etah, successful occidental Uttar Pradesh, said a bulk of the dormant truthful acold were women and children incapable to debar a assemblage of devotees trying to exit.

“More radical are being brought to different hospitals,” Mr. Tripathi said. “The decease toll whitethorn rise.”

In India, deadly stampedes during spiritual pilgrimages are communal due to the fact that of mediocre enforcement of nationalist information measures. In caller years, the authorities person accrued surveillance of ample spiritual gatherings by deploying much constabulary officers and utilizing drones.

This is simply a processing story. Check backmost for updates.

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