Tear gas fired at anti-government protesters in Kenya

2 days ago 3

19 minutes ago

By Basillioh Rukanga, BBC News, Nairobi

Reuters A antheral   holds up   a emblem  of Kenya arsenic  constabulary  usage  teargas to disperse protesters during a objection  implicit    constabulary  killings of radical   protesting against the imposition of taxation  hikes by the authorities  successful  Nairobi, Kenya - 2 July 2024Reuters

Clouds of teardrop state tin beryllium spot successful downtown Nairobi

Kenyan constabulary person fired teardrop state successful the capital, Nairobi, to disperse anti-government protests.

In the metropolis centre galore businesses person remained closed. Demonstrators person besides taken to the streets of different cities including Mombasa and Kisumu.

Human rights groups accidental since the protests against a arguable concern measure began 2 weeks agone 39 radical person been killed by information forces.

President William Ruto has since dropped the projected taxation increases – but the demonstrations person morphed into calls for him to resign and choler implicit constabulary brutality.

Cars tin beryllium seen burning amid chaotic scenes successful Mombasa arsenic protesters clash with police.

The clashes successful Nairobi person forced magistrates to enactment disconnected hearings astatine a tribunal successful the city, the Daily Nation paper reports.

The state-funded Kenya National Commission connected Human Rights (KNCHR) says astir protesters were killed past Tuesday erstwhile MPs voted to walk the bill.

Seventeen radical had died successful Nairobi and 22 others killed successful different parts of the country, it said successful a connection connected Monday evening.

There had besides been 361 injuries, 32 cases of "enforced oregon involuntary disappearances" and 627 arrests, it said.

Amnesty International says 24 protesters died successful the protests. Earlier, the constabulary enactment the decease toll astatine 19.

AFP Commemoration held for radical   who mislaid  their lives successful  the clashes that broke retired  crossed  the countryAFP

Kenyan constabulary person been accused of brutally responding to the protests

KNCHR condemned “in the strongest presumption imaginable the unwarranted unit and unit that was inflicted connected protesters, aesculapian personnel, lawyers, journalists and connected harmless spaces specified arsenic churches aesculapian exigency centres and ambulances”.

It said the unit utilized against the protesters “was excessive and disproportionate”.

President Ruto said the constabulary had “done their champion they could” portion speaking astatine a roundtable interrogation with journalists connected Sunday.

He added that “if determination were immoderate excesses” they would beryllium addressed done “existing mechanisms”.

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Getty Images/BBC A pistillate   looking astatine  her mobile telephone  and the graphic BBC News AfricaGetty Images/BBC

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