'The answer is yes': Anand Mahindra asserts global clothing brands' shift to India citing report

3 days ago 5

Anand Mahindra, president of Mahindra Group, precocious affirmed successful a tweet, "The reply to the question successful your header is Yes..." successful effect to a New York Times nonfiction titled "Is India the aboriginal of planetary brands?"

The nonfiction highlighted a important displacement for Melissa & Doug, a salient American artifact brand. For decades, the institution relied connected Chinese factories to nutrient its woody puzzles, stuffed animals, and play mats.

However, the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to wide lockdowns and disrupted Chinese manufacturing, prompted Melissa & Doug to reconsider its accumulation strategy.

Trade tensions betwixt the United States and China further exacerbated the situation, with tariffs imposed by President Donald J Trump and continued nether President Joe Biden, expanding the outgo of Chinese imports.

— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) June 29, 2024

“Not definite astir the brands but India's younker is India's top strength. Especially with cognition is getting generalized with Internet and AI access, things go overmuch easier,” 1 idiosyncratic responded.

“Marked by strategical argumentation implementations, favourable demographics, and a beardown integer infrastructure, India is emerging arsenic an charismatic concern destination,” different said.

“This is underscored by a important surge successful FDI flows,” helium further said.

In February 2021, facing these challenges, Melissa & Doug sought alternate manufacturing locations. This hunt brought their main proviso concatenation serviceman to a mill successful Greater Noida, India, owned by Sunlord, a household business. The enforcement was pleasantly amazed by the factory's quality to nutrient high-quality woody toys astatine prices competitory with those successful China, arsenic per the report.

By precocious 2022, Sunlord had completed its archetypal bid for Melissa & Doug, consisting of astir 10,000 items. The collaboration rapidly expanded, and Sunlord present produces 25,000 items per period for the American artifact company. This determination signifies a broader inclination of diversifying proviso chains distant from China, driven by the request for greater resilience and outgo absorption successful the look of planetary uncertainties, arsenic per the report.

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HomeCompaniesPeople’The reply is yes’: Anand Mahindra asserts planetary covering brands’ displacement to India citing report

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