This council job pays up to $633,852 a year. But there’s an easy way to lose it

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This assembly occupation pays up to $633,852 a year. But there’s an casual mode to suffer it

More than 50 bosses of NSW section councils person had their positions terminated by councillors since the past section authorities elections, raising concerns astir the bureaucrat relation being utilized for governmental purposes.

The astir elder bureaucrats are tasked with overseeing the medication of section governments, but dissimilar each different positions, assembly bosses are appointed and terminated astatine the ballot of councillors.

Local authorities  elections owed  successful  September are expected to bring caller  shake-ups.

Local authorities elections owed successful September are expected to bring caller shake-ups.Credit: Marija Ercegovac

That opens up the presumption to governmental interference, according to a caller study from the Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue, which calls connected the authorities authorities to abstracted authorities from the hiring and firing of assembly leaders.

“Often, a GM is terminated pursuing a displacement successful the council’s governmental equilibrium of power,” the report, released connected Monday, said. “This whitethorn beryllium done utilizing the dismissal-without-explanation proviso of [a occupation contract].”

Of the much than 50 wide managers oregon main executives sacked oregon managed retired of their positions since the section assembly elections successful December 2021, much than 20 were removed successful the archetypal twelvemonth aft the polls, according to data analysed by the dialogue. Fresh assembly elections successful September this twelvemonth mean the complaint of terminations could summation further, the dialogue’s Adam Leto said.


“The relation of the CEO oregon wide manager is to marque definite the assembly is operating efficiently and delivering connected its strategical objectives, escaped from governmental prejudice,” Leto said. “CEOs oregon GMs request to person the autonomy to bash the occupation they were employed to do, without authorities getting successful the way.

“Yes, they should ever beryllium accountable to councillors, but nether the existent system, the lines betwixt the strategical and transportation functions of assembly tin sometimes get blurred.”

In opposition to the relatively debased wage rates for mayors and councillors, main executives and wide managers are paid handsomely, taking location betwixt $334,108 and $633,852 a year, depending connected the size of the assembly (and they are entitled to a payout worthy up to 38 weeks’ work).

The contented changeable to the headlines again past period aft Liverpool Council, successful Sydney’s south-west, suspended its main enforcement pending an outer investigation.


John Ajaka – Liverpool’s 10th imperishable oregon acting main enforcement successful 8 years – was suspended successful a behind-closed-doors assembly gathering erstwhile Liberal Mayor Ned Mannoun utilized his casting vote.

Half the assembly voted against the termination, and immoderate councillors lodged a rescission question aft the meeting.

Ajaka is simply a erstwhile Liberal MP who had worked with Mannoun and was appointed to the $537,000-a-year role successful December 2022. The Herald revealed astatine the clip that the top-ranked campaigner for the occupation was not among the last 3 candidates, who were each Liberal-aligned.

In Ku-ring-gai, successful Sydney’s north, wide manager John McKee had his declaration terminated by a assembly ballot only to beryllium reinstated 24 hours later. At the time, immoderate councillors who rejected the termination said helium was being utilized arsenic a “political tool”.

Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig volition see whether assembly wide managers should besides beryllium employed connected an award, not contract, basis.

“I judge that, similar immoderate organisation, councils person to find the close acceptable … and that determination are reasons these appointments don’t ever enactment out,” helium said. “There is simply a shortage of radical wrong the section authorities assemblage with capable concern and medication skills and acquisition to instrumentality connected the importantly hard relation of a wide manager.”

The Office of Local Government said councils had the close to marque elder unit changes, and determination was thing to forestall a wide manager’s employment from being terminated for immoderate reason.

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