Trump, Biden spar over golf handicaps as they try to convince voters they are not too old for the presidency

2 days ago 1

President Biden and erstwhile President Trump faced disconnected connected the CNN statesmanlike statement signifier Thursday night, but suggested different showdown--this time, successful an improbable setting. The play course. 

During the CNN Presidential Debate, CNN moderator Dana Bash presented the property Biden and Trump would beryllium astatine the extremity of a imaginable 2nd term.


Biden would beryllium 86. Trump would beryllium 82. 

Biden defended his age, saying helium "spent fractional my vocation being criticized astir being the youngest idiosyncratic successful politics. I was the 2nd youngest idiosyncratic ever elected to the United States Senate, and present I’m the oldest. This feline is 3 years younger and a batch little competent." 

But Trump reminded that helium has taken 2 cognitive tests. 

Trump Biden CNN debate

President Joe Biden (R) and Republican statesmanlike candidate, erstwhile U.S. President Donald Trump enactment successful the CNN Presidential Debate astatine the CNN Studios connected June 27, 2024 successful Atlanta, Georgia. President Biden and erstwhile President Trump are facing disconnected successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 campaign. ( Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

"I aced some of them, arsenic you know, we made it public. He took none. I’d similar to spot him instrumentality one. Just privation a existent casual one, like, spell done the archetypal 5 questions—he couldn’t bash it. But I took 2 cognitive tests I took carnal exams each twelvemonth and you know, we sound connected wood wherever we whitethorn person wood, that I’m successful precise bully health," Trump said. 

Trump, an avid golfer, said Thursday nighttime that helium precocious "won 2 nine championships—not adjacent senior—two regular nine championships." 

"To bash that, you person to beryllium rather astute and you person to beryllium capable to deed the shot a agelong mode and I bash it," Trump said. "He doesn’t bash it. He can’t deed a shot 50 yards. He challenged maine to a play match—he can’t deed a shot 50 yards." 

Trump tees disconnected  astatine  LIV Golf pro-am

Former U.S. President Donald Trump watches his changeable from the archetypal tee during the pro-am anterior to the LIV Golf Invitational - Bedminster astatine Trump National Golf Club Bedminster connected July 28, 2022 successful Bedminster, New Jersey. (Charles Laberge/LIV Golf via Getty Images)

Trump added: "I deliberation I’m successful precise bully shape—I consciousness I’m successful arsenic bully signifier arsenic I was 25, 30 years ago. Actually, I’m astir apt a small spot lighter, but I’m successful arsenic bully signifier arsenic I was years ago. I consciousness precise good. I consciousness the same."

But Biden chimed in, making an connection and saying helium would "be blessed to person a driving contest." 

Biden astatine  CNN Debate

President Joe Biden speaks arsenic helium participates successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 elections with erstwhile US President and Republican statesmanlike campaigner Donald Trump astatine CNN's studios successful Atlanta, Georgia, connected June 27, 2024. (ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

"I got my handicap, which erstwhile I was vice president, down to a six," Biden said. "And by the way, I told you before, I’m blessed to play play if you transportation your ain bag. Think you tin bash it?" 

Trump fired back: "That’s the biggest prevarication that he’s a six handicap of all." 

Biden seemingly corrected himself, saying: "I was a 8 handicap. Yeah. Eight." 


 "I’ve seen you swing. I cognize your swing," Trump said. "Let’s not enactment similar children." 

But Biden replied: "You are a child." 

Trump pushed back, adding: "Let’s not enactment similar children." 

Brooke Singman is simply a governmental analogous and newsman for Fox News Digital, Fox News Channel and FOX Business.

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