Trump repeatedly hammers Biden on border crisis turning US into 'rats nest': 'Killing our people'

2 days ago 3

Former President Donald Trump, during the CNN Presidential Debate Simulcast Thursday night, repeatedly hammered President Biden implicit the ongoing situation astatine the confederate borderline -- saying Biden had wrecked a unafraid borderline and turned the U.S. into a "rats nest."

"He's the 1 that killed radical with the atrocious borderline including hundreds of thousands of radical dying, and besides sidesplitting our citizens erstwhile they travel in. We are surviving close present successful a rats’ nest," Trump said.

The U.S. has been facing a historical borderline crisis, with numbers of migrant encounters that person repeatedly smashed records. While numbers person dropped sharply successful caller months from a grounds precocious successful December, the situation has overwhelmed communities crossed the U.S. determination person been a fig of precocious illustration crimes committed by amerciable immigrants.  Republicans person blamed Biden-era policies, portion the medication has said it needs much backing and betterment from Congress to hole a "broken" system.


Trump returned repeatedly to the situation successful the debate, noting crimes including a execution of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray allegedly by 2 Venezuelan amerciable immigrants successful Texas.

Yuma Arizona border

Immigrants hold to beryllium processed by the U.S. Border Patrol aft crossing the borderline from Mexico, with the U.S.-Mexico borderline obstruction successful the background, connected August 6, 2022 successful Yuma, Arizona.  ((Photo by Qian Weizhong/VCG via Getty Images))

"They're sidesplitting our radical successful New York and California and each authorities successful the national due to the fact that we don't person borders anymore. Every authorities is present a border," Trump said. "And due to the fact that of his ridiculous, insane and precise anserine policies, radical are coming successful and they're sidesplitting our citizens astatine a level that we've ne'er seen."

"We telephone it migrant crime. I telephone it Biden migrant crime, they're sidesplitting our citizens astatine a level that we've ne'er seen before," helium said.

Trump repeatedly turned questions, not conscionable astir the borderline but astir societal security, clime alteration and different topics, into attacks connected Biden’s handling of the border crisis. Polls person shown repeatedly that voters mostly disapprove of Biden’s handling of borderline information and it has remained a apical contented of interest for galore voters.

Biden defended his grounds connected the borderline erstwhile asked astir it by the statement moderators, and noted that helium had helped to get a bipartisan Senate measure that would supply much backing and a mechanics to bounds immoderate entries into the U.S. But it has not yet received capable enactment to walk the chamber.

Trump Biden CNN debate

President Joe Biden (R) and Republican statesmanlike candidate, erstwhile U.S. President Donald Trump enactment successful the CNN Presidential Debate astatine the CNN Studios connected June 27, 2024 successful Atlanta, Georgia. ( Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

"In summation to that, we recovered ourselves successful a concern erstwhile [Trump] was president, helium was separating babies from their mothers, enactment them successful cages, making definite the families were separated. That's not the close mode to go. What I've done since I've changed the law."

He appeared to beryllium referring to a caller enforcement bid that limits immoderate asylum claims erstwhile encounters transcend a definite level, which has been followed successful the past period by a 40% alteration successful encounters. 

"It's amended than erstwhile helium near office, and I'm going to proceed to determination until we get the full prohibition on…the full inaugural comparative to what we're going to bash with much borderline patrol and much asylum officers," helium said.


Trump changeable back: "I truly don't cognize what helium said astatine the extremity of that sentence. I don't deliberation helium knows what helium said either. 

"Look, we had the safest borderline successful the past of our state All helium had to bash is permission it. He decided to unfastened up our border, unfastened up our state to radical that are from prisons, radical that are from intelligence institutions, insane asylums, terrorists. We person the largest fig of terrorists coming into our state close now. All terrorists each implicit the world, not conscionable successful South America, each implicit the world. They travel from the Middle East. Everywhere, each implicit the satellite are pouring in. And this feline conscionable near it open."

Biden accused Trump of "lying" and said there’s nary information to enactment what helium said.

Trump would aboriginal spell connected to opposition the attraction of veterans to however migrants are being treated.


"What they're doing to the VA to our veterans is unbelievable and veterans are surviving successful the street. And these radical are surviving successful luxury hotels," helium said.

Trump would aboriginal crook a question astir cause overdoses successful the U.S., galore of which travel from fentanyl smuggled crossed the border, into a disapproval of Biden connected the border.


"The numbers of the magnitude of drugs and quality trafficking successful women coming crossed our border, the worst happening I've ever seen -- astatine numbers that nobody's ever seen, nether him, due to the fact that the borderline is truthful bad," helium said.

Biden went backmost to touting bipartisan efforts and backing fights helium had taken connected successful narration to tackling fentanyl astatine the border, including wealth for much fentanyl detection machines. But helium claimed Trump torpedoed the deal.

"This bipartisan deal, much fentanyl machines to beryllium capable to observe drugs, much numbers of agents, much numbers of each the radical astatine the border. And erstwhile we had that woody done, helium went helium called his Republican colleagues said, 'Don't bash it. It's going to wounded maine politically.' He ne'er argued, it's not a bully bill. It's a truly bully bill. We request those machines."

Adam Shaw is simply a authorities newsman for Fox News Digital, chiefly covering migration and borderline security.

He tin beryllium reached astatine oregon connected Twitter.

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