Trump says Biden 'could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office'

2 days ago 1

Former President Trump said President Biden "could beryllium a convicted felon arsenic soon arsenic helium gets retired of office." 

Trump made the comments during the CNN Presidential Debate Thursday night. 

Biden called the presumptive Republican nominee retired for being a "convicted felon," aft a assemblage recovered Trump blameworthy connected all counts of falsifying concern records successful the archetypal grade successful New York v. Trump past month. 

But Trump defended himself. 


"When helium talks astir a convicted felon, his lad is simply a convicted felon astatine a precise precocious level," Trump said of Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden was recovered blameworthy this period of each national weapon charges brought against him by Special Counsel David Weiss. The archetypal lad was recovered blameworthy of making a mendacious connection successful the acquisition of a gun, making a mendacious connection related to accusation required to beryllium kept by a federally licensed weapon dealer, and possession of a weapon by a idiosyncratic who is an unlawful idiosyncratic of oregon addicted to a controlled substance. 

"His lad is convicted, going to beryllium convicted astir apt galore different times, should person been convicted before. But his Justice Department fto the statute of limitations lapse connected the astir important things," Trump said. 

Weiss besides indicted Hunter Biden connected national taxation charges. That proceedings is acceptable to statesman connected Sept. 5 successful California. 

But Trump warned that President Biden could besides beryllium faced with charges aft leaving office. 

"But helium could beryllium a convicted felon arsenic soon arsenic helium gets retired of bureau – Joe could beryllium a convicted felon with each of the things that he's done. He's done horrible things," Trump said. "All of the deaths caused astatine the border, telling the Ukrainian radical that we're going to privation $1 billion, you could alteration the prosecutor, different you're not getting $1 billion." 

Trump was referring to comments Joe Biden made portion serving arsenic vice president. Biden has acknowledged that erstwhile helium was vice president, helium successfully pressured Ukraine to occurrence authoritative Viktor Shokin. At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings, and astatine the time, Hunter had a highly-lucrative relation connected the committee receiving thousands of dollars per month. The then-vice president threatened to withhold $1 cardinal of captious U.S. assistance if Shokin was not fired.

Joe Biden

President Joe Biden walks disconnected signifier during the CNN Presidential Debate astatine the CNN Studios connected June 27, 2024, successful Atlanta, Georgia. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

"I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion. I’m going to beryllium leaving present in,' I deliberation it was astir six hours. I looked astatine them and said: ‘I’m leaving successful six hours. If the authoritative is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’" Biden recalled telling then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Biden recollected the speech during an lawsuit for the Council connected Foreign Relations in 2018.


"Well, lad of a bitch, helium got fired," Biden said during the event. "And they enactment successful spot idiosyncratic who was coagulated astatine the time."

Biden allies support the then-vice president pushed for Shokin's firing owed to concerns the Ukrainian authoritative went casual connected corruption, and accidental that his firing, astatine the time, was the argumentation presumption of the U.S. and planetary community.

"If I ever said that, that's quid pro quo, that we're not going to bash anything. We're not going to springiness you $1 cardinal unless you alteration your authoritative having to bash with his son," Trump said Thursday night. 

Trump declared: "This antheral is simply a criminal." 

Trump Biden CNN debate

President Joe Biden (R) and Republican statesmanlike candidate, erstwhile U.S. President Donald Trump enactment successful the CNN Presidential Debate astatine the CNN Studios connected June 27, 2024, successful Atlanta, Georgia. President Biden and erstwhile President Trump are facing disconnected successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 campaign. ( Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

"I did thing wrong," Trump said. "We person a strategy that was rigged and disgusting. I did thing wrong." 

Beyond the charges successful New York, Trump is facing charges brought against him by Special Counsel Jack Smith stemming from his probe into Trump’s alleged improper retention of classified concern records. Smith besides charged Trump retired of his probe into Jan. 6 and 2020 predetermination interference. 

Trump besides faces charges stemming from an probe brought by Fulton County, Ga. District Attorney Fani Willis. 

Trump has pleaded not blameworthy to each charges successful each cases. 


Trump’s proceedings successful the classified records lawsuit has been postponed indefinitely. 

Trump’s Jan. 6 proceedings has besides been postponed, and is awaiting a Supreme Court ruling connected statesmanlike immunity and whether Trump is immune from charges brought against him by Smith. 

And the Georgia Court of Appeals this period enactment a intermission connected immoderate proceedings related to the 2020 predetermination interference lawsuit against the erstwhile president and co-defendants until it hears a lawsuit to disqualify Fani Willis successful October.

Brooke Singman is simply a governmental analogous and newsman for Fox News Digital, Fox News Channel and FOX Business.

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