Trump vows he 'will not block' abortion pills or medication if elected, says he believes in 'exceptions'

2 days ago 2

Former President Trump said helium "will not block" abortion pills oregon termination medication should helium beryllium elected president. 

During CNN’s Presidential Debate Simulcast, Trump was asked astir his stance connected abortion, and whether oregon not helium would artifact termination medicine for women. 

"First of all, the Supreme Court conscionable approved the termination pill and I hold with their determination to person done that, and I volition not artifact it," Trump said. 


Trump Bronx Rally

Former President Donald Trump holds a rally successful the historically Democratic South Bronx connected May 23, 2024 successful New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Trump applauded the Supreme Court’s determination to overturn Roe v. Wade and instrumentality the determination connected termination entree to the states. 

"I enactment 3 large Supreme Court justices connected the tribunal and they happened to ballot successful favour of sidesplitting Roe v. Wade and moving it backmost to the states. This is thing that everybody wanted," helium said. "Now the states are moving it out." 

Trump said each authorities is "making their ain decisions close now." 

"They’re each making their ain decisions close present and close present the states power it," Trump said. "That’s the ballot of the people." 

But Trump maintained that, similar erstwhile President Ronald Reagan, helium believes successful "exceptions." 

"I judge successful the exceptions. I americium a idiosyncratic that believes, and frankly, I deliberation it is important to judge successful the exceptions," Trump said. "Some people, you person to travel your heart, immoderate radical don’t judge successful that. But I judge successful the exceptions for rape, incest and the beingness of the mother. I deliberation it’s precise important." 

He added: "Some radical don’t travel your heart, but you person to get elected also, and due to the fact that that has to bash with different things, you got to get elected." 

SCOTUS termination  protesters

One twelvemonth ago, termination rights demonstrators gathered extracurricular the US Supreme Court successful Washington, D.C., to protestation the overturning of Roe V. Wade. (Photographer: Valerie Plesch/Bloomberg via Getty Images)


But Trump said Democrats are "radical due to the fact that they volition instrumentality the beingness of a kid successful the eighth month, the ninth month, and adjacent aft birth."

Trump said the state "is present coming unneurotic connected this issue." 

"It’s been a large thing."


Biden, though, said if helium is re-elected, helium volition "restore Roe v. Wade." 

Trump fired back: "So that means helium tin instrumentality the beingness of the babe successful the ninth period and adjacent aft birth? Because immoderate states Democrat-run instrumentality it aft birth—The erstwhile politician of Virginia enactment the babe down, past we determine what to bash with it, so, he’s consenting to, arsenic we say, rip the babe retired of the womb successful the ninth period and termination the baby. Nobody wants that to happen—Democrat oregon Republican. Nobody wants that to happen." 

Biden replied: "You’re lying. That is simply not true." 

Biden added that helium is "not for a late-term abortion—period. Period." 

Brooke Singman is simply a governmental analogous and newsman for Fox News Digital, Fox News Channel and FOX Business.

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