'Who Sehwag?' Bangladesh's Shakib Al Hasan responds to ex-cricketer's ‘you aren't Adam Gilchrist' remark

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2 min read 15 Jun 2024, 07:43 AM IST checkcibilBtn

Written By Karishma Pranav Bhavsar

Bangladesh vs Netherland: Shakid Al Hasan responds to Sehwag's criticism. Imrul Kayes criticises Sehwag for disrespectful comments.

Shakid Al Hasan responds to Sehwag's criticismPremium Shakid Al Hasan responds to Sehwag's disapproval

Bangladesh played an awesome lucifer against the Netherland connected June 14 astatine the Arnos Vale Ground, keeping their anticipation live of securing a spot successful Super 8 successful the ongoing ICC T20 World Cup 2024. The 37-year-old each rounder Shakib Al Hasan who was precocious criticised by Virendra Sehwag has responded to his comments. Sehwag had precocious questioned Hasan's spot successful the team. Sehwag besides added that a elder subordinate and erstwhile skipper similar Hasan should person retired from the T20 format aft the past World Cup. He besides went and said that helium should beryllium ashamed of his numbers and instrumentality the inaugural to denote his status from T20 cricket.

What did Virendra Sehwag accidental astir Shakib Al Hasan?

While speaking to Cricbuzz recently, Sehwag had said, “During the past World Cup, I thought helium should nary longer beryllium picked for the T20 format. Time for status came a agelong clip ago. You are specified a elder player, you were the skipper of this team. You should really beryllium ashamed of your caller numbers. You should travel guardant and denote yourself that capable is enough, I'm retiring from this format."

Sehwag further added, “If you are picked successful the World Cup squad for your experience, past amusement that it was really worthy it. You request to walk immoderate clip astatine the crease astatine least. You are not Adam Gilchrist oregon Mathew Hayden. Hooks and pulls are not your strengths. You are a Bangladeshi player. You play according to your strength."

However, aft yesterday's Bangladesh vs Netherland match, Shakib Al Hasan astir apt proved his worthy arsenic helium played an unbeaten 64 disconnected 46 balls.

Shakib Al Hasan's response

During the station lucifer presentation, erstwhile Hasan was asked to respond connected Sehwag's comments, helium said, “WHO?" The remark is present going viral connected X.

During the station lucifer presentation, helium besides said, “A subordinate ne'er comes to reply immoderate questions. A player's occupation is to bat for the squad if he's a batsman and contributes to the team. If helium is simply a bowler, his occupation is to vessel well. Here, actually, there's thing to reply for anyone. I deliberation it is important for a existent subordinate however overmuch helium tin lend to his team. When helium can't contribute, past people determination would beryllium discussions and I don't deliberation it is simply a atrocious thing."

Though Hasan's effect has been precise diplomatic, however, the comments person not gone good with Imrul Kayes, different Bangladeshi player. Kayes criticised Sehwag for making disparaging comments astir Bangladesh and its cricketers, noting this wasn't the archetypal instance. He besides added that legends similar Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid ne'er demeaned different players and knew however to amusement respect.

"Shakib didn't go Shakib-Al-Hasan successful 1 oregon 2 days. He is the No. 1 ICC all-rounder, not erstwhile but for a agelong time, and crossed formats. A subordinate similar him needs to beryllium treated with respect, which Virender Sehwag didn't get successful his career. So helium astir apt knows thing astir respect oregon giving respect to others," Kayes sid arsenic quoted by respective Bangladesh media outlets.

"This is not the archetypal clip helium has said specified things astir Bangladesh oregon its cricketers. I don't cognize what a legendary batter similar him thinks earlier making specified statements. Biggies similar Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid would ne'er propulsion down a subordinate due to the fact that they cognize however to respect different players," helium added.

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Published: 15 Jun 2024, 07:43 AM IST

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