15 Old Hollywood Movies That Were Almost Banned Because They Were Secretly Realllllllly Gay

2 days ago 6

Old Hollywood movies had to travel strict guidelines passim the 1930s–1960s, known arsenic the Hays Code, which fundamentally prevented them from featuring thing that was overtly intersexual oregon "inappropriate." A batch of filmmakers got originative astir however they could navigate this censorship, truthful present are immoderate movies that are subtly (and not truthful subtly) super, super, ace gay. Enjoy!

1. All About Eve (1950) is simply a witty and toxic play astir an aging histrion who befriends a instrumentality who yet tries to usurp her. This movie shares the grounds for the astir Oscar nominations ever, with 14, and it concisely features Marilyn Monroe successful 1 of her archetypal roles ever. There are truthful galore queer undertones and characters throughout, and they're each truthful delicious. Also, I personally deliberation this is the champion movie ever made, truthful enjoy.

Bette Davis and Anne Baxter successful  a three-panel country   from a movie. Bette Davis says, "We cognize  you... Is it over, oregon  is it conscionable  beginning?" followed by "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to beryllium  a bumpy night."

20th Century Fox

Who's successful it: Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, Thelma Ritter, Celeste Holm, George Sanders, and Gary Merrill

2. Tea and Sympathy (1956) follows a "sensitive" prep schoolhouse teen who's bullied by the different students and teachers. He finds solace successful an older woman, played by Deborah Kerr, and the full happening is conscionable sooooo beauteous to look at.

Four-frame country   of Mr. Lee, Laura, and Bill successful  a speech  astir  whether idiosyncratic    is simply a regular   fellow, referencing his upbringing and behaviors


Who's successful it: Deborah Kerr, Leif Erickson, John Kerr, and Edward Andrews

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3. Compulsion (1959) follows 2 hot, wealthy, and secretly queer assemblage boys who perpetrate a execution and deliberation they're excessively astute to get distant with it. It's loosely based connected a real-life execution trial, truthful conscionable spot maine connected this one.

 "Do you cognize  what quality   determination   is successful  evil?"

20th Century Fox

Who's successful it: Orson Welles, Dean Stockwell, Bradford Dillman, Diane Varsi, and Richard Anderson

4. Edge of the City (1957) is simply a gritty play astir the relationship betwixt Sidney Poitier and John Cassavetes' characters. It's unsmooth and pugnacious and has a lotttt of queer subtext. Ruby Dee is besides successful this movie, and she's particularly fantastic.

A antheral   gives proposal  to different  antheral   astir  antithetic  societal  choices and their consequences. Another antheral   asks, "What happens if you don't privation  to spell  with anybody?"


Who's successful it: Sidney Poitier, John Cassavetes, Ruby Dee, and Jack Warden

5. Purple Noon (1960) is really adapted from the publication The Talented Mr. Ripley. This French movie is conscionable truthful freaking hot, and if you're into suspenseful thrillers oregon adjacent remotely liked the 1999 mentation with Jude Law and Matt Damon past you perfectly request to cheque this out.

 The antheral   speaks portion    eating


Who's successful it: Alain Delon, Maurice Ronet, Marie Laforêt, and Billy Kearns

6. Strangers connected a Train (1951) is simply a intelligence thriller from Alfred Hitchcock. It's astir 2 strangers who some privation idiosyncratic murdered, truthful they swap victims to forestall anyone from getting suspicious of them. Farley Granger is conscionable truthful amusive to look astatine successful this, and I'm begging you to ticker it.

A country   from the movie   "Strangers connected  a Train" with 2  men successful  suits discussing a execution  plot. One man, looking serious, explains his thought  involving exchanging murders

Warner Bros.

Who's successful it: Farley Granger, Robert Walker, and Ruth Roman

7. The Hitch-Hiker (1953) is astir 2 antheral friends who are fundamentally taken hostage aft picking up a hitchhiker portion connected their mode to a sportfishing trip. The movie is based connected the 1950 sidesplitting spree of Billy Cook, and it examines homosexual panic, masculinity, and accepted sex roles.

 "Whose weapon  is that? You similar  to shoot?", "Yeah." Man with a weapon  says, "So bash  I."

RKO Radio Pictures

Who's successful it:Edmond O'Brien, Frank Lovejoy, and William Talman

8. The Children's Hour (1961) stars Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine arsenic 2 women who tally a boarding schoolhouse for girls successful 1930s New England. One of the students is simply a troublemaking small b*tch who starts a rumor that they're successful a lesbian relationship, and each hellhole breaks loose. The movie is based connected Lillian Hellman's celebrated play of the aforesaid name, and it's a must-watch.

United Artists

Who's successful it: Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine, James Garner, Fay Bainter, and Miriam Hopkins

9. The Servant (1963) deals with unspoken desires, homoerotic tensions, and the eventual dom-sub powerfulness dynamic. In it, a wealthy, young Londoner hires a antheral to beryllium his servant. The servant dilatory takes power and manipulates his "master," and it's a wilddddd ride.

 "I cognize  each  astir  you. Lots of blameworthy  secrets."


Who's successful it: James Fox, Dirk Bogarde, Sarah Miles, and Wendy Craig

10. Victim (1961) is centered astir a closeted lawyer successful London who's blackmailed for being gay, which was amerciable successful England until 1967. This is simply a groundbreaking portion of movie history, arsenic it was the archetypal British movie to explicitly notation homosexuality, and it should beryllium required viewing for everyone.

 antheral   connected  telephone  with substance   "If I perceive  from you again I'll pass   the police. Do you understand? That's perfectly  final." Middle: different  antheral   looks concerned. Bottom: young idiosyncratic   holds a telephone  looking distressed

Rank Film Distributors

Who's successful it: Dirk Bogarde, Dennis Price, Anthony Nicholls, and Sylvia Syms

11. Rebel Without a Cause (1955) has James Dean arsenic a bisexual hottie, truthful you truly can't inquire for overmuch more. The archetypal publication had his quality kissing Plato, who was 1 of the archetypal cheery teen characters connected screen, but the Hays Code rapidly squashed that from happening. Still, this movie is edgy and melodramatic and romantic, and the full formed is conscionable truthful amusive to look at.

 Man asks, "Is helium  a person  of yours? What's helium  like?" Second panel: Woman responds, "I don't know. He doesn't accidental    much." Third panel: Man successful  a achromatic  garment  and tie

Warner Bros.

Who's successful it: James Dean, Sal Mineo, Natalie Wood, and Dennis Hopper

12. Rope (1948) is different Hitchcock classic, this clip pursuing 2 queer men who deliberation they've committed the cleanable execution and past big a meal enactment to secretly boast astir it. The movie was changeable to look similar everything was filmed successful a azygous take, which heightens its suspense and helps to support the characters (and viewers) connected edge.

Scene from the movie   "Rope" showing close-ups of characters played by John Dall, Farley Granger, and James Stewart during a tense moment

Warner Bros. Pictures

Who's successful it: James Stewart, Farley Granger, John Dall, Dick Hogan, Douglas Dick, and Edith Evanson

13. Suddenly, Last Summer (1959) is centered astir a affluent widow who tries to get her niece lobotomized to screen up the information astir her secretly queer (and present deceased) son. This 1 is simply a small retired there, but Katharine Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor some received Best Actress Oscar nominations for their roles, truthful there's that.

 a distressed pistillate   addresses the antheral   arsenic  “Doctor” and different  pistillate   arsenic  “Aunt Vi.” Tension is evident successful  their expressions

Columbia Pictures

Who's successful it: Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepburn, Montgomery Clift, and Gary Raymond

14. Advise & Consent (1962) is simply a governmental play that was adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning publication of the aforesaid name. It's centered astir the confirmation of a nominee for Secretary of State, who conscionable truthful happens to beryllium a joined US legislator who's being blackmailed for secretly having past relations with a man.

Scenes from a classical  black-and-white movie  acceptable   successful  a cheery  bar, described arsenic  the archetypal  mainstream US movie   to picture  specified  a setting

Columbia Pictures

Who's successful it: Henry Fonda, Don Murray, Gene Tierney, Walter Pidgeon, and Charles Laughton

15. And finally, The Haunting (1963) is simply a revolutionary fearfulness movie that features 1 of the lone lesbian characters of its clip to beryllium feminine and not predatory. The movie is based connected the publication The Haunting of Hill House, which was yet turned into a hugely fashionable Netflix series, truthful if you similar either of them past you should ticker this too.

Women look   fearful, lasting  adjacent  unneurotic  by a cracked mirror; the past  representation  is simply a close-up of their faces, some  expressing concern


Who's successful it: Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, Richard Johnson, and Russ Tamblyn

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Graffiti creation  displaying "Pride Month 2024" with stylized, colorful text. Three grayscale faces are shown beneath   the text


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