House of the Dragon Loves Lamp

2 days ago 2

HOTD’s mentation of a lightbulb moment. Photo: Courtesy HBO

Things are changing successful the satellite of House of the Dragon. The struggle betwixt the Greens and the Blacks (Reds and Golds) is truly heating up this season. There’s much brutal kid execution and little brutal childbirth. Sure, radical are inactive lasting astir successful dark, cavernous rooms and plotting revenge against their enemies, but they’re doing it with a batch much unfastened animosity than they person successful the past. The biggest change, though, is 1 that besides relates to each those large acheronian rooms and the assorted scenes of brooding portion mourning your mislaid loved ones. Now much than ever earlier connected this show, erstwhile idiosyncratic stands successful a castle and their eyes flash grimly arsenic they ponder inevitable warfare … you tin see it.

Whether due to the fact that we bullied them into it oregon conscionable due to the fact that idiosyncratic yet had had enough, House of the Dragon is much than conscionable good lit this season. It’s obsessed with lighting. This play has much candles than a beeswax-dipping objection astatine a Colonial-reenactment village, and the effect is, frankly, fantastic. Aside from the information that immoderate scenes person truthful galore candles it’s astir laughable, the wide attack is simply a overmuch much thoughtful attraction of beautiful, disposable lighting, particularly successful the show’s interiors. And wouldn’t you cognize it, being capable to spot what you’re watching — adjacent contempt the Max app’s appalling compression algorithm — is precise good!

So due to the fact that it’s important to observe wins erstwhile we find them, we bring you a roundup of this season’s astir notable lighting moments to date.

It’s truthful bully that the candles atop Dragonstone’s painted array illuminate the faces of each the men connected Rhaenyra’s Small Council. If lone we knew their names! Any names! There is nary occupation much thankless successful House of the Dragon than ignored adviser; astatine slightest the scorpion-makers person thing to amusement for their work. — RH

Aegon the Magnanimous? With these chandeliers? Please. — RH

Poor Helaena. If lone Aegon had paid a small much attraction erstwhile she admitted her fearfulness of rats, possibly things would person turned retired different. But the candles are unlit, Helaena’s accusation goes ignored, and the beauteous spookiness of this lighting becomes thing much than a warning. — RH

You cognize that feeling erstwhile you’re charging astir the castle trying to find idiosyncratic to murder, and it’s raining outside, and it’s transportation black, and adjacent though you’re posing arsenic a rat-catcher with a morganatic intent you don’t truly privation radical to wage attraction to you? You request this torch, which illuminates a country conscionable capable to spot wherever you’re going and stays lit for rather a portion adjacent if you driblet it because, again, you’re trying to execution idiosyncratic — KVA

Shout-out to the sun. — KVA

This infinitesimal goes by fast, truthful marque definite you drawback it: Underneath the Dragonstone table, there’s an entire drawer of candles that illuminate the array map. This is precise chill and besides raises immoderate logistical questions similar however the candles get capable airflow. Imagine being told your candle fund has to relationship for each the lights indispensable to illuminate a country positive respective twelve candles conscionable to airy up the queen’s super-cool table! — KVA

What a shockingly beauteous room and scroll room. Give maine that Architectural Digest tour ASAP, please. — RH

It’s a wonderment that Rhaenyra trusted Daemon astatine all, really. — RH

This is my side of the array and that is your side of the table, and conscionable successful lawsuit that was not wide enough, my candles volition spell implicit here and your candles volition spell implicit there and it volition not beryllium awkward at all!! — KVA

A chastising reminder that Rhaenyra was truly rather young erstwhile Daemon started messing astir with her is precisely the benignant of happening Alys Rivers would manifest. Good occupation to her, and the multifocal sources of airy successful this dream! — RH

Can’t assistance but announcement the similarity betwixt this “unlit candles and a gorgeous shaft of aureate earthy airy falling connected a parent and her children” framing and however Helaena and Jaehaera looked earlier Blood and Cheese made the queen’s premonition real! — RH

On the 1 manus it seems risky to beryllium this bare astir this overmuch occurrence and blistery wax. On the different hand, this is hardly the amusement to get kink-shamey about. — KVA

Essentially, House of the Dragon’s mentation of “Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made a Great Point.” — RH

Pillar lighting? For a tavern? How innovative. — KVA

Not definite if anyone’s gotten the connection yet, but play 2 of House of the Dragon? You’re GONNA spot things. — KVA

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House of the Dragon Loves Lamp
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