23 Movies You've Never Seen Before That Are Soooo Hot, Wild, Intense, And Gay, Gay, Gay, Gay, Gay

1 day ago 4

As a queer idiosyncratic myself, I emotion watching queer movies. However, determination are a batch of underrated films that conscionable don't get the attraction oregon recognition they deserve. Here are a clump that I deliberation you should decidedly check. Enjoy!

1. Passages (2023) is easy 1 of the spiciest movies of the past fewer years. It's astir toxic love, and 1 of the men successful a cheery narration has an matter with a woman, truthful things get particularly wild. You volition spot each azygous inch of Ben Whishaw successful this film, and, wow, I'm inactive truthful huffy that helium didn't get an Oscar information for his performance.

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2. Of an Age (2022) is simply a romanticist play that's centered astir a young feline who has an unexpected hookup with his champion friend's older brother. There are a clump of chill twists that occur, and I committedness they'll marque you consciousness each emotion possible.

3. Love Lies Bleeding (2024) is simply a ace aggravated rom-thriller (I'm coining that term) starring Kristen Stewart arsenic a gym manager, and her quality gets progressive with a pistillate bodybuilder who's trying to spell pro. There's execution and enactment and drugs, and it's conscionable a chaotic ride. The movie was made by A24, truthful that should beryllium convincing capable for you.

4. Femme (2023) is centered astir a resistance performer who tries to get revenge connected the closeted antheral who attacks them. The acting successful it is fantastic, though the taxable substance is beauteous heavy, truthful see this your informing due to the fact that the movie deals with immoderate beauteous traumatic taxable matters.

5. Compulsion (1959) follows 2 hot, wealthy, and secretly queer assemblage boys who perpetrate a execution and deliberation they're excessively astute to get distant with it. It's loosely based connected a real-life execution trial, and it's a batch of fun, truthful conscionable spot maine connected this one.

6. Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood (2017) is simply a scandalous documentary that follows Scotty Bowers, the real-life antheral who fundamentally served arsenic a pimp for each secretly cheery celeb from the '40–'80s. The stories successful it are truthful freaking wild, and if you emotion Old Hollywood oregon personage gossip past you request to ticker this.

7. Stranger by the Lake (2013) is an erotic French thriller that you should NOT ticker with your parents. Its mounting is simply a nude formation wherever men similar to cruise, but things get particularly aggravated aft a execution occurs.

8. The Dreamers (2003) is astir an American successful 1960s Paris who becomes highly adjacent with a brother-sister duo. It's rated NC17 for a reason, and you'll spot why.

9. Tea and Sympathy (1956) follows a "sensitive" prep schoolhouse teen who's bullied by the different students and teachers for being different. He finds solace successful an older woman, played by Deborah Kerr, and the full happening is conscionable sooooo beauteous to look at.

10. The Pass (2016) stars Russell Tovey arsenic a closeted pro shot subordinate who hooks up with his teammate, and we spot however their narration changes implicit the years. They're fundamentally shirtless for astir of the movie, truthful you're welcome.

11. The Way He Looks (2014) is simply a Brazilian coming-of-age movie that follows a unsighted teen and a school's caller pupil arsenic they effort to navigate life, love, and independence. It'll genuinely person you smiling sooooo much.

12. Handsome Devil (2016) is simply a coming-of-age movie that stars Nicholas Galitzine arsenic a school's secretly cheery rugby star. It's conscionable ace heartfelt, and Andrew Scott is besides successful it, truthful I committedness you'll similar it.

13. Another Country (1984) is simply a play wherever Rupert Everett and Colin Firth play outsiders astatine a boarding schoolhouse successful 1930s England. It's beautiful, smart, and an instant classic. If you similar Maurice oregon Call Me by Your Name past you'll emotion this one.

14. Crush (2022) is simply a truly cute teen rom-com astir a high-schooler who joins the way squad to get person to her crush. The champion portion is that each of the characters are already retired and proud, and there's nary trauma oregon thing involved, which is truthful uncommon successful YA queer movies.

15. Tangerine (2015) is truthful chaotic successful the champion mode possible. It follows 2 trans enactment workers connected Christmas Eve successful Hollywood, and things get truthful overwhelming and hectic. The movie was really changeable wholly connected an iPhone by Sean Baker, the feline who made The Florida Project and Red Rocket, successful lawsuit you needed immoderate much convincing.

16. Edge of the City (1957) is simply a gritty play astir the relationship betwixt Sidney Poitier and John Cassavetes' characters. It's unsmooth and pugnacious and has a lotttt of queer subtext. Ruby Dee is besides successful this movie, and she's particularly fantastic.

17. Closet Monster (2015) stars Connor Jessup (call maine – I'm single) arsenic a graduating elder who desperately wants to flight his tiny municipality and his family's analyzable dynamics. Isabella Rossellini voices his hamster's imaginary thoughts, so, like, what the heck are you waiting for?

18. Taekwondo (2016) is simply a sleeper hit, and by that I mean not overmuch really happens successful the movie (but the payoff is incredible!). Go into it blindly, and conscionable cognize that each of Marco Berger's films are queer and spicy.

19. Sauvage (2018) is simply a ace earthy movie that follows a twentysomething enactment idiosyncratic connected the streets of Paris who truly conscionable wants to find love. Some scenes are particularly aggravated and NSFW, so, again, I'm begging you to not ticker this 1 with your parents.

20. Portrait of a Lady connected Fire (2019) is simply a French play play astir forbidden love, and it's truthful blistery that it'll melt your look off. I randomly deliberation astir the ending astatine slightest erstwhile a month.

21. Disclosure (2020) is simply a fascinating documentary that examines however Hollywood has depicted trans radical successful TV and movies passim the years. Via interviews with experts and celebrities, it uncovers what benignant of interaction that portrayal has had connected nine and American culture. This 1 should beryllium required viewing for everyone.

22. I Am Jonas (2018) is simply a French play that's centered astir a queer antheral astatine 2 cardinal points successful his life: arsenic a teen and past successful his 30s. There are immoderate chaotic crippled twists, truthful conscionable get ready.

23. And finally, Fire Island (2022) is fundamentally a gay, modern remake of Pride and Prejudice, and it'll prima each your caller favourite people. What much could you want?

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