‘Absolute scenes’: Wanderers hit with huge penalty for flares and pitch invasion

2 days ago 4

Fans of the Western Sydney Wanderers person been banned from attending matches successful the NSW authorities league for the remainder of the play aft the nine was deed with a monolithic good and points deduction for 2 abstracted incidents involving flares, fireworks and a transportation invasion.

Football NSW handed down its findings connected Tuesday aft an probe into the behaviour of Wanderers supporters astatine the 2 National Premier Leagues Men’s NSW matches, an distant fixture against Sydney United 58 connected May 5 and a location clash against Sydney Olympic a week later.

The Wanderers’ NPL lucifer  against Sydney Olympic descends into chaos.

The Wanderers’ NPL lucifer against Sydney Olympic descends into chaos.Credit: YouTube/Football NSW

The nine pleaded blameworthy to a scope of charges nether Football NSW’s grievance and disciplinary regulations and person been fined $33,500 and docked six premiership points for the 2024 season, which is the equivalent of 2 wins.

An further six-point punishment has been suspended for the remainder of this play and the entirety of the 2025 and 2026 campaigns, to beryllium applied successful the lawsuit of further breaches, portion each remaining location games this twelvemonth volition beryllium played during “daylight hours” astatine the authorities federation’s direction.

Those location matches astatine the club’s grooming basal successful Rooty Hill volition beryllium played nether ‘Restricted Entry’ conditions, which means lone nine officials, parents and household members, committee members and nine guests volition beryllium capable to attend, portion the aforesaid rules volition use for each distant fixtures.

Supporters of the A-League club, which fields a younker squad successful the NPL, are believed to person lit flares astatine some of the matches successful question – but Football NSW moved to instrumentality firmer enactment aft chaotic scenes astatine the 2nd match, a rollicking 3-2 triumph by the Wanderers implicit Sydney Olympic.

Players were ordered disconnected the tract by the referee for respective minutes precocious successful the 2nd fractional aft a bid of large bangs were heard coming from the stands. Footage of the match, which is inactive up connected YouTube, past shows a heavy plume of fume wafting onto the field, with 1 Wanderers subordinate displaying vexation towards the country of the tract wherever Wanderers fans had gathered astir the contention being stopped.

“No, you’re not watching a derby successful Belgrade oregon Zagreb oregon Buenos Aires, Argentina,” said the lucifer commentator connected the stream. “This is NSW NPL shot astatine Wanderers Football Park and a flare and fireworks person gone off, momentarily stopping play.


“It’s investigating my lungs, here.”

Another dependable successful the inheritance is heard saying: “You cognize what, mate? If we did this astatine Olympic, we’d person Channel Seven here.”

In the 93rd infinitesimal of the aforesaid match, Nathanael Blair scored a free-kick to seal triumph for the Wanderers, sparking a transportation invasion, with dozens of fans – astir of whom were wearing hoodies, balaclavas oregon skis masks – moving onto the tract to observe with the players.

Football NSW and the Wanderers were some approached for comment.

Football NSW said successful a connection that the punishment reflected their “commitment to the information of each participants” portion acknowledging the club’s practice with their investigation. The authorities federation had been making play announcements prohibiting Wanderers fans from attending NPL fixtures since the incidental successful the Sydney Olympic match.

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