After urging respect for justice system, Biden claims SCOTUS' Trump case ruling is 'attack' on 'rule of law'

2 days ago 1

President Biden claimed this week that the Supreme Court's ruling connected statesmanlike immunity "undermines the regularisation of instrumentality of this nation," conscionable 1 period aft helium said the justness strategy and its decisions "should beryllium respected" and bragged astir the precocious tribunal not being capable to "stop" him from carrying retired his agenda.

"This determination contiguous has continued the Court’s onslaught successful caller years connected a wide scope of long-established ineligible principles successful our nation, from gutting voting rights and civilian rights to taking distant a woman’s close to take to today’s determination that undermines the regularisation of instrumentality of this nation," Biden said successful a little code from the White House connected Monday.

Biden's remarks connected the ruling came little than a week aft his disastrous statement with erstwhile President Trump, who helium insisted would beryllium "emboldened" by the court's ruling should the erstwhile president triumph backmost the White House successful this year's election.

"The American radical indispensable determine if Trump's clasp of unit to sphere his powerfulness is acceptable. Perhaps astir importantly, the American radical indispensable determine if they privation to entrust the presidency to Donald Trump erstwhile again. Now knowing, he'll beryllium adjacent much emboldened to bash immoderate helium pleases, whenever helium wants to bash it," Biden said.


Supreme Court, Joe Biden

President Biden said the Supreme Court's Monday ruling connected statesmanlike immunity "undermines the regularisation of instrumentality of this nation." (Getty Images)

The comments from the president struck a antithetic code from that which helium utilized successful May, erstwhile helium claimed the justness strategy "should beryllium respected" and that it was "reckless" for Trump to assertion that the verdict successful his New York City transgression proceedings was "rigged."

"It's reckless, it's dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to accidental this was rigged conscionable due to the fact that they don't similar the verdict," Biden said successful effect to Trump's remarks astir the NY v. Trump verdict, which found the erstwhile president guilty connected each 34 counts of falsifying concern records related to the hush wealth outgo to big movie histrion Stormy Daniels successful the pb up to the 2016 statesmanlike election.

"Our justness strategy has endured for astir 250 years, and it virtually is the cornerstone of America. Our justness system, that justness should beryllium respected. And we should ne'er let anyone to teardrop it down. It's arsenic elemental arsenic that," Biden added astatine the time.

Biden's remarks connected the Trump ruling successful May came conscionable 2 days aft helium bragged to his supporters astatine a rally successful Philadelphia that the Supreme Court ruling his pupil indebtedness alleviation program was unconstitutional did not "stop" him from canceling pupil loans.

"The Supreme Court blocked maine from relieving pupil debt, but they didn’t halt me," Biden said successful a code astatine Girard College successful May.

That aforesaid connection was shared by the president successful a post to X connected May 29.

In Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled connected Monday that a erstwhile president has important immunity from prosecution for authoritative acts committed portion successful bureau but not for unofficial acts.

In a 6-3 decision, the Court sent the substance backmost down to a little court, arsenic the justices did not use the ruling to whether oregon not erstwhile President Trump is immune from prosecution regarding actions related to efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.


Donald Trump, Joe Biden

President Biden, right, said successful May the justness strategy "should beryllium respected" and that it was "reckless" for erstwhile President Donald Trump to assertion the verdict successful his New York proceedings was "rigged." (Getty Images)

"This is simply a fundamentally caller principle, and it's a unsafe precedent, due to the fact that the powerfulness of the bureau volition nary longer beryllium constrained by the law, adjacent including the Supreme Court of the United States. The lone limits volition beryllium self-imposed by the president alone," Biden said Monday.

Prior to ending his code and dodging questions from reporters, Biden spoke astir the quality of the nation's archetypal president, George Washington, and however helium believed powerfulness was limited, not absolute.

Biden, similar respective different Democrat and Republican presidents passim history, has taken purpose astatine the Supreme Court for a fig of rulings they person made during his tenure successful the White House.

During his State of the Union code successful March, Biden took nonstop purpose astatine the justices and insisted they had underestimated the "electoral and governmental power" of women successful their determination to overturn Roe v. Wade. During an interrogation with MSNBC astir his remarks directed astatine the justices, Biden said, "Look, I deliberation they made a incorrect decision, deliberation they work the Constitution wrong, I deliberation they made a mistake."

Biden made akin comments connected however the precocious court's ruling "didn't stop" him from canceling pupil loans successful February portion speaking astatine the Julian Dixon Library successful Culver City, California.

"Early successful my term, I announced a large program to supply millions of moving families with indebtedness alleviation for their assemblage pupil debt," Biden said astatine the time. "Tens of millions of radical successful indebtedness were virtually astir to beryllium canceled successful debts. But my MAGA Republican friends successful the Congress, elected officials and peculiar interests stepped successful and sued us. And the Supreme Court blocked it. But that didn’t halt me."

Last June, the Supreme Court ruled successful a 6-3 determination that national instrumentality does not let Biden's Secretary of Education to cancel much than $430 cardinal successful pupil indebtedness debt. Biden promised astatine the clip that his medication would proceed to propulsion for his pupil indebtedness alleviation plan.

Shortly aft the court's ruling, Biden said, "I deliberation the tribunal misinterpreted the Constitution."

Joe Biden astatine  White House

President Biden arrives for a quality league astatine the White House connected July 1, 2024 successful Washington, D.C. (Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)


Earlier this year, Biden announced the Savings connected Valuable Education program that cancels debt for enrolled borrowers who person been successful repayment for astatine slightest 10 years and clasp $12,000 oregon little successful pupil indebtedness debt. Those with larger debts volition person alleviation aft an further twelvemonth of payments for each further $1,000 they borrowed.

In a connection to Fox News Digital past month, Biden run spokesperson James Singer said, "Expressing disagreement with a Supreme Court determination — arsenic each Presidents bash — is not the aforesaid arsenic attacking the regularisation of instrumentality and undermining our judicial system."

Fox News' Stepheny Price and Lindsay Kornick contributed to this report.

Kyle Morris covers authorities for Fox News. Story tips tin beryllium sent via email and connected X: @RealKyleMorris.

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