Air India eyes regional aviation space in challenge to IndiGo

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Air India has held interior   discussions connected  a imaginable   determination   expansion. Air India has held interior discussions connected a imaginable determination expansion.


  • India’s determination aviation has benefited from a government-funded determination connectivity strategy called UDAN. With SpiceJet which has been progressive successful galore specified routes present weak, the abstraction gets much lucrative for caller entrants.

New Delhi: Air India is weighing a imaginable introduction into India's increasing determination aviation space, stepping up rivalry with marketplace person IndiGo which is increasing its ain turboprop fleet to beforehand its determination ambitions.

The Tata radical hose has held interior discussions connected a imaginable determination expansion, 2 radical alert of the substance said. Regional aviation includes flights from metros to smaller cities, arsenic good arsenic betwixt smaller cities.

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“Discussions were held connected the matter. These are interior discussions and determination volition beryllium further rounds of appraisal connected this earlier a last determination is taken. The accidental successful the determination abstraction is staring america successful the look and the intent is to supply a implicit question solution to Indian travellers," 1 of the officials cited supra said connected information of anonymity.

An Air India spokesperson did not respond to a petition for remark sent connected Wednesday.

Benefits of connectivity

India’s determination aviation has benefited from a government-funded determination connectivity strategy called UDAN, and an summation successful airdrome infrastructure successful smaller towns. According to manufacture estimates, Indian airlines operated adjacent to 200,000 determination flights during 2023, the bulk of which were flown by IndiGoandSpiceJet. As per information from planetary aviation information institution OAG, India, on with Central and West Africa person been outliers successful determination formation operations, clocking an summation of 4-5% successful determination pitchy frequencies since 2019, successful opposition to the planetary script wherever the determination pitchy frequencies person decreased 33.5%.

While Air India was nether authorities control, its subsidiary Alliance Air operated successful the determination space. However, Alliance Air was not portion of the Air India divestment, and continues to run arsenic a government-run airline.

“For now, the radical is exploring an integrated maturation accidental for the determination aviation segment. Hence, determination are nary plans for present regarding immoderate involvement acquisition accidental for Alliance Air. Currently, it looks similar that merchandise (Alliance Air) does not align with the caller Air India vision," the 2nd enforcement alert of the discussions said.

Air India’s ambitions travel astatine a clip IndiGo is readying to bulk up its fleet of ATRs, a favourite of determination airlines. IndiGo is besides the country's largest determination craft relation with 45 ATR-72 and 5 much connected order. ATR-72 is simply a determination craft produced by Franco-Italian shaper ATR, which tin spot astir 78 passengers.

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The Tata radical present operates 4 airlines—Air India, Vistara, Air India Express, and AIX Connect (formerly AirAsia India). Beginning 2025, they volition beryllium merged into two—Air India and Air India Express, erstwhile the integration is completed by the extremity of the existent year.

“ATR is 1 of the options that the Air India radical is looking astatine with a batch of interest," the archetypal idiosyncratic added. It is, however, not yet wide whether the low-cost AI Express oregon full-service Air India volition location the determination expansion.

The Tata radical won Air India successful January 2022, bidding 18,000 crore arsenic the airline's endeavor value. As a result, it acquired 100% involvement successful Air India, its subsidiary Air India Express and the full 50% involvement successful crushed and cargo handling associated task Air India SATS.

Among India's determination aircraft, SpiceJet has 21 De Havilland Canada Dash 8-400s, Alliance Air has a premix of 21 ATRs and 1 Dornier, and Indore-based Flybig has 3 de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft.

Star Air operates 9 Embraers, Indiaone Air 2 Cessnas and FLY91 -- the latest entrant successful the determination abstraction - 2 ATRs.

Looking astatine a broad package

With an aerial question penetration complaint of 3-7% successful India, rising income levels, and the increasing propensity to question by aerial successful smaller towns and cities, Air India is looking to connection a broad bundle to travellers, not conscionable from metros, but besides those who privation to question from the interiors of the state to faraway destinations, the archetypal idiosyncratic added.

Ameya Joshi, laminitis of aviation probe level Network Thoughts said that with SpiceJet reducing its presence, determination remains scope for determination turboprop operations.

"With the authorities apt to widen the UDAN scheme, immoderate hose which invests successful determination web is apt to payment for the adjacent 5 years, if not more. From a measurement perspective, the numbers are low; however, galore person seasonal variations and yields which are higher than galore metro routes astatine times," Joshi said.

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A determination craft is often called a turboprop pitchy arsenic the airplane uses a turbo-prop motor to crook the propellers. These are typically utilized for last-mile connectivity, but these jets person besides recovered a spot successful India to link abbreviated to medium-haul destinations. The seating capableness of specified jets tin scope anyplace betwixt 2 to astir 80-90 passengers.

India presently has 108 determination craft including ATRs, up astir 12.5% from 88 craft astatine the extremity of 2023, information from craft tracking website Flightradar24 showed.

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