Long before India's IT services boom, HCL’s Shiv Nadar had a daring dream of selling minicomputers in the US

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Shiv Nadar, on  with 5  different   intrepid travellers, embarked connected  the risky travel  that entrepreneurship was successful  the 1980s, good   earlier  the dawn of backstage  equity and task   superior  successful  the country. Shiv Nadar, on with 5 different intrepid travellers, embarked connected the risky travel that entrepreneurship was successful the 1980s, good earlier the dawn of backstage equity and task superior successful the country.


  • Long earlier HCL Technologies, present HCLTech, emerged arsenic 1 of the biggest exporters of IT services from India, its laminitis Shiv Nadar had plans to instrumentality connected giants specified arsenic IBM and Hewlett Packard by selling India-made minicomputers successful the US.

Imagine an Indian marque of computers selling successful the US. Seems similar an perfect phantasy today, but astir 35 years ago, 1 antheral tried precise hard to marque it a reality.

That pioneer was Shiv Nadar, who successful 1988 dared to merchantability high-end Unix-based minicomputers successful the US, the equivalent of sending ember to Newcastle.

HCL—the startup helium had co-founded successful 1975 with a effect superior of 1.75 lakh (the full savings astatine the clip of its six founders)—was not adjacent a speck connected the planetary IT firmament backmost then. India was inactive 2 decades distant from being accepted arsenic the IT services superior of the world.

Notwithstanding a bold caller argumentation announced by the Rajiv Gandhi-led authorities successful 1984, which enabled the import of exertion for making idiosyncratic computers successful the country, the home PC marketplace was minuscule successful size, with immoderate existent advancement hamstrung by absorption from almighty unions successful sectors similar banking.

Against each odds

But if anyone could defy the odds, it was Nadar, a antheral of tremendous self-belief who had discontinue his well-paying occupation astatine DCM Data Products, to commencement HCL on with 5 different intrepid travellers similar him. Together, the six co-founders embarked connected the risky travel that entrepreneurship was successful the 1980s, good earlier the dawn of backstage equity and task superior successful the country.

After capturing a important portion of the tiny but increasing Indian marketplace for idiosyncratic computers and having tested overseas waters with its subsidiary Far East Computers successful Singapore, HCL present acceptable its sights connected the world’s toughest marketplace to crack.

The marketplace for PCs successful the US of the 1980s was dominated by the likes of IBM, on with a full big of clones. Smartly, HCL didn't spell aft this crowded segment. Instead, it identified the minicomputers market, which had precocious been cracked unfastened by emerging giants similar Digital Equipment Corporation and Hewlett Packard, among others.

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As it were, these were not casual products to marque adjacent then, and required a precocious grade of knowing of the underlying technology.

Even HCL’s archetypal concern successful its US subsidiary—HCL America that would marketplace the merchandise to prime US firms—was conscionable $5 cardinal (around 7.5 crore). Although a pittance today, it was a ample sum for a institution that had conscionable crossed 100 crore successful revenues successful the erstwhile year.

But what it lacked successful wealth was much than made up for by the method expertise it brought to the table. The computers it had been selling successful the home marketplace since 1981 came with an operating strategy that had been developed in-house by its ain engineers.

Banking connected innovation

HCL reckoned that the Magnum multiprocessor portion it had enactment unneurotic would find takers successful the US due to the fact that of its scalability and debased price. It wasn’t a wholly archetypal idea.

Around the aforesaid time, US-based Sequent Computer Systems, acceptable up by ex-Intel engineers, had launched a akin machine that would usage aggregate microprocessors to execute a level of powerfulness and computing capableness that was hitherto disposable lone successful accepted minicomputers and mainframes.

The logic down making minicomputers successful India for merchantability successful the US was the aforesaid that has driven the country’s $200-billion bundle exports success. India had abundant engineering skills disposable astatine a fraction of what it would outgo successful the US.

HCL had besides launched a clever advertizing run urging Indians stuck successful mid-level positions successful the US with small anticipation of advancement to travel backmost and assistance physique large products astatine home.

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But the existent powerfulness came from the men who led the firm. Arjun Malhotra—whose grandmother’s barsati (a tiny rooftop room) successful New Delhi’s Golf Links served arsenic the startup’s archetypal office—fronted the US expedition.

But the existent powerfulness came from the men who led the firm. Arjun Malhotra—whose grandmother’s barsati (a tiny rooftop room) successful New Delhi’s Golf Links served arsenic the startup’s archetypal office—fronted the US expedition.

A go-getter who loves squad sports, Malhotra was a large motivator for the engineers tasked with executing the project. And past determination was Nadar. The lion, who successful his wintertime whitethorn person mellowed somewhat, was an imposing fig successful those days.

A person for each times

Having the quality of a prof patiently explaining a occupation to a student, down Nadar’s wry wit and casual laugh, was a crisp and calculating encephalon that could reel disconnected the CIF (cost, security and freight) breakdown of each azygous constituent including those not utilized by his company.

But successful the end, HCL’s archetypal US travel ended badly. The minicomputer thought bombed for galore reasons. One presumption was that the computers HCL wanted to merchantability didn't get biology clearances successful the US. It is besides imaginable that they were conscionable not bully enough.

Whatever the reason, it didn’t substance since the acquisition was not wasted. The knowing of hardware would travel successful useful erstwhile the institution pivoted to bundle services.

PS: In 1999, Sequent was acquired by IBM for $810 million. Its past hardly known Indian rival, HCL Technologies, contiguous has a marketplace capitalization of astir $47 billion.

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