Albanese tears up over alleged threats to family

2 days ago 4

Anthony Albanese fought backmost tears aft revealing that the manifesto of a teen coercion fishy allegedly included threats to the premier minister’s family.

Alleged violent Jordan Patten, 19, is said to person vowed to behead a Labor politician, planned convulsive attacks against the nationalist and professed admiration for the Christchurch wide killer, according to a manifesto allegedly released successful encrypted extremist groups.

Speaking astatine a Canberra property league connected Friday, Albanese said Patten should look the afloat unit of the law.

“There is nary spot for extremism successful Australia. That documentation that was made is precise concerning, including threats not conscionable to Labor MPs, but to others, to my family,” helium said arsenic helium teared up.

“That’s different crushed wherefore families … should beryllium disconnected limits from the media, frankly thing that is of concern, a precise nonstop threat. I applaud the information agencies and the constabulary for the swift enactment that they undertook.”


Patten, from Raymond Terrace, allegedly livestreamed himself connected Wednesday strapping connected a military-style outfit and drafting a weapon successful the bath of Newcastle’s Civic Theatre earlier walking crossed the city’s main thoroughfare and entering NSW MP Tim Crakanthorp’s office.

The footage shows him instantly turning astir and leaving the bureau earlier walking down the thoroughfare to the Newcastle Museum.

The alleged violent was confronted by depository unit who told him helium could not participate “dressed similar that”. He past dropped his weapon connected a seat earlier constabulary officers arrived, drew their Tasers and arrested him.

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