Ukrainian power moves

1 day ago 5

Column 8 Washington analogous Chris Keane is presently successful Ukraine doing his spot for orphan refugees and tin subordinate to Michael Ward’s Brazilian moving of the lights experience: “As idiosyncratic who ever gets the reddish erstwhile driving, I tin admit the caller power-saving blackouts successful Ukraine. No powerfulness means nary reddish light. No halt needed, conscionable a little pause, and past proceed. One of the orphans successful the car observed ‘this thrust is going truthful overmuch faster than normal. You should only thrust during blackouts’.”

“Further to Michael’s acquisition of ‘optional’ reddish lights successful Rio, immoderate clip backmost successful Hangzhou, China, walking location astatine nighttime we came to an intersection,” writes Craig Forbes of Lewisham. “The lights changed, and I stepped retired lone to person a adjacent miss with a motortruck barrelling through. I asked my Chinese companions what was going on. The response, ‘There’s nary policeman connected duty’. Apparently, this cognition to the beingness oregon lack of authorization is commonplace. It appears things person improved but looking doubly is inactive advisable.”

“Unless representation serves maine false, the (Blue?) Bayeux tapestry (C8) besides contained the earliest known depiction of Bill Haley’s comets,” ponders Don Bain of Port Macquarie.

“Yes, Geoff Gilligan, (C8) the Irish bash person a sensation for Irish Chinese food,” says Mia David of Wollongong. “On a travel to Ireland, agelong ago, we recovered a precise rustic Chinese edifice successful Limerick. When ordering our meal, we were asked if we would similar chips with that. And herb sauce?”

Charles Davies-Scourfield of Culburra Beach thinks we should “Forget County Coogee for the Irish diaspora. Having conscionable spent 10 days successful the fantastic Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, I tin vouch that astir each nurse, antheral and female, successful the ICU and wards had emigrated from there. Perhaps the sanction that attracted them.” Hope you’re doing OK now, Charles.

“Would it beryllium brainsick to rename NAIDOC week NAIWOC?” asks Josh Watts of Leura. “I can’t deliberation of different illustration of a time that is besides a week, but surely, determination indispensable be?” Well, Woman’s Day is simply a play and the Women’s Weekly is simply a monthly.

“The notation of the colony of Broke (C8) reminded maine that galore years agone its work presumption had the signage ‘Broke Service Station. Wasn’t Meant To Be, But Is’,” says Bob Roobottom of Taree. “When I passed by, months later, it was so closed and for sale.”

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