How the US election result could hurt Australia’s green metals exports

1 day ago 5

The coming US predetermination could person far-reaching consequences for Australia’s exporters of minerals captious to the greenish vigor shift, amid predictions of a slowdown successful request for electrical cars and renewable powerfulness if Donald Trump is returned to the presidency.

New Australian authorities export forecasts, to beryllium released connected Monday, uncover prices for the nation’s immense reserves of sought-after electrical artillery earthy materials, specified arsenic lithium and nickel, person begun to retrieve pursuing steep falls successful 2023 and aboriginal 2024.

Hummer electrical  vehicles connected  the accumulation   enactment     astatine  a General Motors  factory.

Hummer electrical vehicles connected the accumulation enactment astatine a General Motors factory.Credit: Bloomberg

However, the study from the Department of Industry, Science and Resources cautions that the result of the US predetermination betwixt Trump and Joe Biden would interaction request for producers of captious metals.

“The gait of US adoption of electrical vehicles and renewable vigor technologies... could alteration depending connected the result of the US statesmanlike predetermination successful November, with important implications for the request for Australian captious minerals successful the abbreviated term,” it says.

Australia has immoderate of biggest known reserves of minerals including copper, cobalt, lithium, nickel and uncommon earths elements, which the satellite volition request successful acold greater quantities arsenic earthy ingredients to physique renewable vigor infrastructure, batteries and electrical vehicles.


The US electrical car manufacture has been increasing rapidly connected the backmost of the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act, a argumentation that is providing $360 cardinal ($538 billion) successful taxation credits and backing for renewable energy, electrical artillery manufacturing and electrical conveyance accumulation and sales.

However, a triumph for Trump successful the November predetermination could pb to decarbonisation policies being rolled backmost and usher successful a delayed vigor transition, according to planetary consultancy Wood Mackenzie.

Incentives for electrical vehicles would apt beryllium cut, the maturation of greenish hydrogen could falter and powerfulness procreation from unabated fossil fuels would expand, it said.

“This predetermination rhythm volition truly power the gait of vigor investment, some successful the adjacent 5 years and done 2050,” Wood Mackenzie manager of vigor modulation probe David Brown said.

The caller risks to the outlook for captious minerals travel amid declining gross from Australia’s biggest commodity exports of robust ore, ember and liquefied earthy state (LNG) arsenic benchmark prices proceed retreating to much mean levels pursuing unprecedented highs reached aft Russia’s penetration of Ukraine.

‘This predetermination rhythm volition truly power the gait of vigor investment, some successful the adjacent 5 years and done 2050.’

David Brown, Wood Mackenzie manager of vigor modulation research

Coal and state shipments were the biggest drivers down 2 consecutive years of grounds gross from the vigor and mining sectors successful 2022 and 2023 arsenic the extremity of COVID-19 lockdowns reignited energy request and the warfare successful Ukraine choked planetary supplies.

However, the caller forecasts suggest export net are acceptable to shrink from an estimated $417 cardinal successful 2023-24 to astir $356 cardinal by 2026.


Resources Minister Madeleine King pointed to gains successful export volumes, underlining however the assemblage continued to underpin the system and enactment much than a 4th of a cardinal nonstop jobs.

She said the caller forecasts underscored the request to enactment maturation successful Australia’s captious minerals sector, which the Albanese authorities has pledged to present done accumulation taxation credits.

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