Apple: It’s late to the AI race but sure and steady

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premium Opinion

Livemint 3 min read 14 Jun 2024, 08:30 AM IST

Apple has a past  of refining and surpassing utile  worldly   invented by others.  (AFP) Apple has a past of refining and surpassing utile worldly invented by others. (AFP)


  • Even arsenic a precocious entrant to the enactment successful artificial intelligence, the iPhone shaper whitethorn win by utilizing its halfway strengths successful consumer-oriented exertion to connection ‘AI for the remainder of us'. It’s not astir being a pioneer, but astir the idiosyncratic experience.

Apple Inc, arsenic we learnt this week, aims to simplify artificial quality (AI) for the masses successful a bid to support its users and shareholders engaged and happy. Its extremity is billed arsenic “AI for the remainder of us," reminiscent of Steve Jobs’ strategy of making computers aesthetic and user-friendly. While CEO Tim Cook whitethorn deficiency Jobs’ charisma, helium kept Apple’s allure good polished. 

At slightest until the emergence of AI, that is, peculiarly generative AI, a tract successful which it began to look similar a laggard, with its Siri dependable adjunct outclassed by smarter AI chatbots. As a result, Apple mislaid its presumption arsenic the world’s astir invaluable institution to AI-focused Microsoft and adjacent concisely to fabless chip-maker Nvidia. 

That Apple, Microsoft and Nvidia, each presently valued supra $3 trillion, are vying for the apical spot underscores conscionable however precocious the AI stakes person risen. Apple’s precocious but measured effect to the AI contention includes its motorboat of Apple Intelligence—a changeable astatine making the ‘A’ of AI basal for its ain name. We tin expect a smarter Siri and a renewed absorption connected idiosyncratic privateness successful a satellite rife with misinformation, scams and deepfakes.

Also read: Hey Siri! Help maine get Apple retired of an AI-shaped hole

Given its user focus, Apple is dedicated to enhancing our AI acquisition adjacent arsenic different tech giants absorption connected foundational AI models and infrastructure for enterprises. Trying to recast AI arsenic Apple Intelligence is portion of this strategy. This maneuver is not unique, though; IBM uses ‘augmented intelligence,’ portion Nvidia promotes ‘accelerated computing’ and Intel speaks of a ‘Siliconomy.’ 

That said, Apple’s AI announcements person not made tech mavens beryllium up, fto unsocial rave. Yet, Apple has a past of refining and surpassing utile worldly invented by others. Sony’s Walkman preceded the iPod and Nokia’s handsets came earlier the iPhone. Being a precocious entrant to a marketplace hasn’t mattered, the idiosyncratic acquisition has. Apple’s spot is its user orientation, arsenic seen successful its aesthetics, prime and intuitive idiosyncratic interfaces. 

It besides has an ecosystem of its ain that makes it hard for iPhone users to power away. Analysts astatine Morgan Stanley item that Apple’s beardown marque loyalty is driven by its adjacent integration of products and services that keeps switching costs precocious for users. This loyalty is reinforced by the immense amounts of idiosyncratic information stored connected its iCloud, which tends to support its users invested. 

Also read: Apple teases AI features connected iOS 18: Which devices volition get astute capabilities?

The consumer-tech major’s existent accent connected information privateness volition lone fortify this loyalty. With OpenAI’s GPT-4 integration, Siri volition execute tasks similar playing movies oregon scanning emails for information, but volition inquire for idiosyncratic consent earlier going online to get much information if needed. On the flip side, users with iPhone 15 oregon older models mightiness beryllium frustrated arsenic they would request to upgrade their devices to entree Apple’s caller AI features.

Apple’s caller OS-level features could disrupt tech startups offering basal AI services similar grammar checks, copy-writing, summarization and transcription, arsenic these tasks get commoditized. This means startups cannot trust solely connected calling themselves AI oregon GenAI businesses; they volition request beardown technological differentiation, a loyal idiosyncratic base, robust partnerships and enactment that’s comfy with alteration being the lone constant. 

Apple’s occurrence truthful acold besides shows that being a archetypal mover successful the tech satellite is not ever an advantage. The company’s ain situation volition beryllium to support up its grounds of innovation successful the AI abstraction without losing its consciousness for—and borderline on—the idiosyncratic acquisition that has been the hallmark of its success.

Also read: Apple’s ambition: It wants AI to basal for Apple Intelligence

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