Ethanol: An eco-friendly fuel or another green mirage?

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premium Opinion

Aditya Sinha 4 min read 23 Jun 2024, 04:00 PM IST

The ethanol accumulation   process   involves important    emissions and its proscription  and processing stages adhd  to this c  load. The ethanol accumulation process involves important emissions and its proscription and processing stages adhd to this c load.


  • A clash betwixt the c vantage and h2o footprint of ethanol accumulation whitethorn effect successful a dire trade-off betwixt cleaner vigor and basal quality needs. Its committedness arsenic a cleanable substance whitethorn beryllium outweighed by its hidden threats to nutrient information and the environment.

In the aboriginal 20th century, Thomas Midgley Jr, a chemist, introduced tetraethyl pb to gasoline, promising to revolutionize the automobile manufacture by reducing motor knock. It seemed similar a occurrence solution astatine the time, and Midgley was hailed arsenic a hero. 

However, the acheronian broadside of this innovation soon became evident arsenic leaded gasoline caused wide biology harm and terrible nationalist wellness issues, including encephalon harm successful children. This tragic occurrence reminds america that what initially appears to beryllium a groundbreaking solution tin person unforeseen and devastating consequences.

In our quest for cleaner energy, we person turned to ethanol, championing it arsenic a greenish alternate to fossil fuels. On the surface, it seems similar a cleanable solution—renewable, ostensibly cleaner and easy integrated into our existing substance infrastructure. But arsenic we delve deeper, we indispensable inquire ourselves if ethanol is genuinely the biology saviour it’s touted to be, oregon are we being misled by yet different greenish mirage?

There are six main issues with mandating ethanol arsenic fuel.

First, the life-cycle vigor request for ethanol accumulation from sugarcane stands astatine 4.99 megajoules per litre. Although ethanol’s vigor instrumentality connected concern (EROI oregon the ratio of vigor get to what’s spent connected obtaining it) is 4.26, it pales successful examination with different biofuels. 

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Its humble EROI indicates that ethanol accumulation is not arsenic energy-efficient arsenic it mightiness seem. Studies person shown that sugarcane cultivation’s energy-intensive nature, coupled with ethanol’s processing needs, importantly undermines its nett vigor balance.

Second, according to a survey published successful Elsevier’s Bioresource Technology journal, ethanol’s c footprint (CF) astatine 0.295kg CO2 equivalent per litre is little than that of fossil fuels, but it whitethorn beryllium misleading to telephone it eco-friendly. The accumulation process involves important emissions and its proscription and processing stages adhd to this c load.

Third, the astir alarming, is the h2o footprint (WF) of ethanol: 1,344 litres per litre of ethanol produced. India’s dense usage of groundwater for sugarcane irrigation worsens the bluish h2o footprint, posing a large accidental cost. This misallocation threatens h2o information and jeopardizes nutrient security. We frankincense look a dire trade-off betwixt vigor and basal quality needs. 

The precocious WF contrasts with countries similar Brazil, wherever sugarcane cultivation is chiefly rain-fed, resulting successful a little WF. In India, wherever freshwater resources are already scarce, utilizing specified a colossal measurement of h2o for ethanol accumulation is unsustainable and borders connected the reckless.

Fourth, India’s cultivation argumentation has agelong been dominated by atom and wheat due to the fact that of the request to procure these 2 crops for the nationalist organisation system. However, the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare is present championing a harvest diversification programme nether the RKVY-Raftaar strategy successful Haryana, Punjab and occidental Uttar Pradesh. 

This inaugural aims to displacement crops from water-intensive paddy to sustainable alternatives similar pulses, oilseeds, coarse cereals, nutri-cereals and cotton, addressing the country’s pressing request for h2o conservation. Yet, the caller propulsion for enhanced ethanol accumulation threatens to undermine this progress. 

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Ethanol accumulation is inherently problematic, arsenic it tin lure farmers backmost into cultivating water-intensive crops, creating a paradox that could undo our efforts to diversify and conserve water.

Fifth, intensive sugarcane farming, characterized by monoculture practices, predominant tilling and the dense usage of chemic fertilizers and pesticides, importantly degrades ungraded wellness and cultivation productivity implicit time. Monoculture reduces biodiversity, which is indispensable for maintaining ungraded structure, portion predominant tilling unsettles the soil, making it prone to erosion. The dense irrigation required for sugarcane leads to waterlogging and ungraded compaction, further exacerbating erosion.

Sixth, diverting cultivation onshore for biofuel accumulation poses important risks to nutrient security. Farm-land diversion tin propulsion up nutrient prices by constraining supply. When cultivation onshore is repurposed for increasing biofuel crops similar sugarcane, maize oregon soybeans, it straight reduces the country disposable for cultivating nutrient crops. 

This contention for onshore usage tin pb to decreased nutrient harvest production. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute, the enlargement of biofuel accumulation has led to important onshore usage changes, often astatine the disbursal of nutrient crops, resulting successful reduced nutrient supplies and accrued prices.

With little onshore dedicated to nutrient crops, the wide proviso of nutrient grains and different indispensable crops decreases. As a result, the supply-demand spread widens, starring to higher nutrient prices. The World Bank reported successful 2010 that nutrient prices are seen to spike during accelerated biofuel expansion, making it harder for low-income households to spend basal necessities. 

Also read: Maize successful absorption arsenic authorities pushes for cleaner ethanol-blended fuel

This terms volatility is compounded by the information that biofuel harvest prices are influenced by some nutrient markets and vigor markets, making them much susceptible to fluctuations successful lipid prices and argumentation changes successful the vigor sector.

Thus, we indispensable workout caution earlier pressing the acceleration pedal connected ethanol. Ethanol’s committedness arsenic a greenish substance mightiness disguise dire consequences. Let’s not repetition history’s mistakes.

These are the author’s idiosyncratic views.

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