Ather Energy to invest ₹2,000 crore to set up third plant in Maharashtra

2 days ago 6

Electric two-wheeler shaper Ather Energy announced plans connected Wednesday to found its 3rd manufacturing installation successful Maharashtra, with an concern exceeding 2,000 crore, according to authorities Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis.

The caller facility, located astatine Bidkin wrong Aurangabad Industrial City (AURIC), volition nutrient electrical two-wheelers arsenic good arsenic artillery packs, arsenic stated by Ather Energy successful a property release.

“It is simply a much than 2,000 crore investment, generating employment of astir 4,000,” Fadnavis said successful a station connected societal media level X.

“This state-of-the-art works volition annually nutrient up to 1 cardinal units of vehicles and artillery packs both,” helium added.

Ather Energy operates 2 manufacturing facilities successful Hosur, Tamil Nadu, with 1 dedicated to artillery accumulation and the different to conveyance assembly. These facilities volition proceed to manufacture artillery packs and vehicles, with yearly capacities of 430,000 artillery packs and 420,000 vehicles respectively.

The summation of a caller installation successful Maharashtra enables Ather to heighten its marketplace scope by reducing logistics costs and accelerating merchandise transportation to customers crossed the country, according to Ather Energy Co-founder & CTO Swapnil Jain. Since 2021, the Hosur facilities person served arsenic the company's nationalist manufacturing hub, gathering request nationwide.

"With our expanding merchandise portfolio and the expanding user request for our scooters, we decided to strategically diversify our accumulation capabilities to an further determination that volition beryllium person to much markets successful the country. The caller manufacturing installation volition not lone rationalise our logistic outgo but volition besides hasten the transportation of finished products to our customers," helium added.

Ather presently offers a scope of show electrical scooters including the 450X, 450S, and 450 Apex. Recently, the institution introduced its archetypal household scooter, the Rizta.

“At @atherenergy, we are aggressively expanding our merchandise portfolio and fig of touchpoints crossed the state (specially successful the bluish markets). The caller installation successful Maharashtra volition let america to get person to much markets crossed the country,” said Tarun Mehta, co-founder and CEO of Ather Energy, connected societal media X.

He further added, “We proceed to put successful Tamil Nadu wherever the 450 and Rizta lineup volition proceed to rotation retired astatine a furious gait and of people our HQ successful Karnataka which present houses ~1300 radical and 3 RnD centers!,”

(With inputs from PTI)

HomeCompaniesNewsAther Energy to put ₹2,000 crore to acceptable up 3rd works successful Maharashtra

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