Biden's abortion comments at debate fail to resonate with independent voters: focus group

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President Biden and erstwhile President Donald Trump traded jabs implicit the issue of abortion and their views connected Roe v. Wade astatine Thursday night's statesmanlike debate, with autarkic voters who were portion of a Fox News Digital absorption radical favoring the erstwhile president's remarks connected the subject.

Asked whether helium supports "any ineligible limits connected however precocious a pistillate should beryllium capable to terminate a pregnancy," Biden said, "I enactment Roe v. Wade, which has 3 trimesters. First clip is betwixt a pistillate and a doctor. Second clip is betwixt a doc and an utmost situation. The 3rd clip is betwixt the doctor, I mean, betwixt the pistillate and the state.

"The thought that the politicians, that the founders wanted the politicians to beryllium the ones making decisions astir a woman's wellness is ridiculous. No person is making that decision. A doc should beryllium making those decisions. That's however it should beryllium run. That's what you're gonna do, and if I'm elected, I'm gonna reconstruct Roe v. Wade."

During Biden's remarks, support from independent voters successful the absorption radical consistently ranked astir 30% oregon little and ne'er reached 35% approval.


Trump, Biden spar implicit    abortion

During President Biden's remarks, support from autarkic voters successful the absorption radical consistently ranked astir 30% oregon lower. (Fox News Digital)

Responding to Biden, Trump said, "So that means helium tin instrumentality the beingness of the babe successful the ninth period and adjacent aft birth, due to the fact that immoderate states — Democrat-run — instrumentality it aft birth."

"So he’s consenting to, arsenic we say, rip the babe retired of the womb successful the ninth period and termination the baby," Trump added. "Nobody wants that to happen."

Independent elector effect to Trump's comments connected Biden's positioning connected termination soared to higher than 75% approval.

Biden interjected to contradict Trump's claim, saying it was "simply not true" and that Roe v. Wade "does not supply for that."

"That’s not the circumstance. Only erstwhile the woman’s beingness is successful danger, if she’s going to dice — that’s the lone condition successful which that tin happen," Biden said. "But we are not for late-term abortion, period."

Amid the president's interjection of Trump's comments, support from autarkic voters for what Biden had to accidental rapidly started to trickle down.


Biden looking dazed astatine  CNN debate

President Biden participates successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 elections successful Atlanta connected Thursday. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)

Refutting Biden's assertion and garnering further enactment from autarkic voters who were portion of the absorption group, Trump said, "Under Roe v. Wade, you person late-term abortion. You tin bash immoderate you want, depending connected the state. … We don’t deliberation that’s a bully thing. We deliberation it’s a extremist thing."

"For 51 years, that was the law," Biden fired back. "Constitutional assistance said it was the close mode to go. Fifty-one years, and it was taken distant due to the fact that this feline enactment precise blimpish members connected the Supreme Court. He takes recognition for taking it away."

Upon his speaking again, real-time autarkic elector support of Biden's remarks dropped significantly.

"What’s helium going to do? What’s helium going to do, successful fact, if — if the MAGA Republicans — helium gets elected and the MAGA Republicans power of the Congress and they walk a cosmopolitan prohibition connected abortion, period, crossed the board, astatine six weeks, oregon seven, oregon 8 oregon 10 weeks, thing very, precise conservative. Is helium going to motion that bill? I’ll veto it. He’ll motion it," Biden said.

US Supreme Court gathering

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade successful June 2022. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)


Trump besides said during the statement that helium "will not block" termination pills oregon termination medicine should helium beryllium elected president.

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade successful June 2022, efficaciously ending designation of a law close to termination and giving idiosyncratic states the powerfulness to allow, bounds oregon prohibition the signifier altogether.

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