Tim Scott has benefited from mentors along the way. He's hoping for another helping hand

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COLUMBIA, S.C. -- When Tim Scott was a teenager, a Chick-fil-A manager named John Moniz offered him a sandwich, a job, and 4 years of indispensable mentoring astir however to beryllium a businessman and a citizen. Later, aft that helping manus enactment Scott connected a way that yet led him into politics, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley appointed him to a vacancy successful the U.S. Senate.

Now Scott stands connected the precipice of possibly different breathtaking leap, but erstwhile again helium volition request an assist. The South Carolina legislator is 1 of a fistful of salient radical being considered by former President Donald Trump to beryllium his running mate this year.

Scott, a rarity arsenic a Black Republican legislator from the South, tells his communicative with rags-to-riches flourish, crediting Moniz for helping to assistance him from a dead-end beingness earlier Moniz died abruptly portion Scott was successful college. But Scott's ain relation successful taking vantage of the opportunities that came his mode is portion of the story, too.

From Moniz, Scott says, helium learned the ins and outs of business, however to beryllium a bully citizen, and little tangible lessons astir how, successful bid to receive, 1 indispensable archetypal give. Scott enactment that guidance to usage arsenic helium made his mode from concern into politics.

Haley named him to the Senate spot successful precocious 2012 aft Republican Jim DeMint stepped down. That assignment further propelled a governmental vocation that had seen Scott emergence from region assembly to the South Carolina Statehouse to Congress. Since then, Scott has proved to beryllium a unit successful his ain close with South Carolina voters arsenic good arsenic the state's governmental class.

He topped 60% each 3 times helium ran for his Senate seat, gathering a web of supporters arsenic formidable arsenic immoderate successful the state. He mostly stayed supra the fray of interior enactment fights, making much friends with the almighty than enemies.

In his wake, helium has near a way of existent believers.

“President Trump, if you privation a good, honorable antheral who is not going to embarrass you oregon embarrass this country, Tim Scott is who you need,” said Robert Brown, the politician of Hampton, a municipality of astir 2,600 successful the confederate portion of the state.

Republican authorities Sen. Bill Taylor, who got Scott's South Carolina Statehouse parking spot erstwhile Scott moved to the U.S. House, said 1 could not inquire for a much compelling story.

“He’s similar the embodiment of the American Dream," Taylor said. "He is simply a preacher for it.”

Still, not each measurement Scott has taken has ended successful success. Scott had hoped his backstory would substance his statesmanlike tally this year, but his run was rapidly overwhelmed by the shadiness of Trump.

Scott initially demonstrated a prowess for fundraising among donors uneasy with Trump, but past helium virtually disappeared from the statement signifier adjacent without Trump there. Scott's candidacy was further analyzable by the information that South Carolina had a 2nd campaigner successful Haley.

But aft Scott dropped out, helium turned against Haley, who had elevated him implicit friends and allies. Scott did not hesitate to knock Haley's grounds successful South Carolina and became one of Trump’s biggest backers aft leaving the race.

That objection of wherever his loyalty lies was not mislaid connected Trump, who has been known to measurement chap Republicans successful presumption of their allegiance to him.

“You know, you’re a overmuch amended campaigner for maine than you were for yourself. I mean it. He was similar a antithetic person,” Trump said astatine a February rally. “And I accidental that with admiration. due to the fact that I’m the opposite. I’m overmuch amended for maine than I would beryllium for idiosyncratic else.”

If Trump goes successful different absorption for his vice president, Scott faces an uncertain way forward. He promised erstwhile helium took the U.S. Senate occupation to service lone 2 afloat six-year terms, a vow helium reiterated successful 2022 erstwhile elected to that 2nd afloat term.

If Trump does not telephone oregon the summons loses successful November, Scott’s supporters person suggestions.

“I won’t clasp him to that. Circumstances change. Tim could beryllium 1 of Trump’s top allies successful the Senate,” Taylor said of Scott’s promise. “I person been precise fond of saying — Tim, erstwhile you’re done with each that worldly up there, travel location and beryllium governor.”

While the South Carolina governor’s spot volition beryllium unfastened successful 2026 and his supporters support putting up Scott proceedings balloons, the legislator himself has dismissed the thought. His support ratings successful the authorities person taken a humble deed implicit his statesmanlike run.

At 58, determination could beryllium different statesmanlike runs.

Lewis Brown, voting successful South Carolina’s caller superior runoffs, said Scott’s run convinced him that Scott has the worldly for the White House.

“I look astatine 1 happening for a vice statesmanlike campaigner — tin you beryllium president?” Lewis said. “Scott passes that trial with flying colors.”

No substance what Trump decides, Scott has different large beingness alteration connected the horizon. He is getting joined aboriginal this year.

As helium waits for Trump to marque a decision, Scott remains a regular beingness connected quality shows connected the erstwhile president's behalf, making headlines by dodging questions connected whether helium would judge the results of the 2024 predetermination if Trump loses oregon ignoring Trump’s enactment of tariffs that the legislator has agelong been against.

It’s different cardinal trial of loyalty for a antheral trying to instrumentality vantage of 1 much opportunity, idiosyncratic who has ever tried to pain arsenic fewer bridges down him arsenic helium tin — though his narration with Haley has surely suffered.

But holding a grudge is not Scott's style, astatine slightest not publicly.

At different February rally successful South Carolina, Trump rattled disconnected disapproval of Haley, who had go much forceful successful her disapproval of him. Then Trump motioned toward Scott lasting down him.

“She really appointed you, Tim,” Trump said. “You indispensable truly hatred her.”

The legislator was not having it. Awkwardly, helium stepped toward the microphone, past said simply: “I conscionable emotion you."

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