Biden's ex-press secretary Jen Psaki to sit down with House GOP panel probing chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal

2 days ago 1

Former White House property caput Jen Psaki has agreed to beryllium down with House GOP investigators probing the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, Fox News Digital has learned.

Psaki volition look for a closed-door transcribed interrogation with the House Foreign Affairs Committee connected July 26 arsenic portion of the panel’s long-running probe into the chaotic August 2021 operation, according to a missive sent to the seat of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the contented of which was obtained by Fox News Digital. 

White House lawman counsel Rachel Cotton wrote successful the missive that the committee’s petition to perceive from Psaki "raises superior separation-of-powers and Executive Branch confidentiality issues."

"Nevertheless, arsenic an bonzer accommodation, we volition authorize Ms. Psaki to enactment successful a voluntary transcribed interrogation accompanied by idiosyncratic counsel and the White House Counsel’s Office taxable to due presumption and conditions for the interview," the missive said. "In bid to let the White House Counsel’s Office to measure imaginable Executive Branch confidentiality issues that whitethorn originate during Ms. Psaki’s interview, delight supply a database of topics the Committee would similar to rise with Ms. Psaki oregon put a telephone with the White House Counsel’s Office to sermon those topics."


Psaki astatine  White House podium

White House property caput Jen Psaki speaks during the regular briefing connected Oct. 12, 2021. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Cotton went connected to accidental the White House expects the lawmakers "to travel the longstanding signifier of engaging with the White House to assistance america amended recognize the scope of the grounds sought," truthful they tin champion cooperate portion remaining "consistent with Executive Branch confidentiality interests."

Fox News Digital reached retired to Psaki’s idiosyncratic lawyer for comment.

Psaki was President Biden’s archetypal White House property secretary, serving successful the relation during the U.S. military’s two-week cognition ending its presence successful Afghanistan aft 20 years. 

A root adjacent to the committee’s Republican bulk told Fox News Digital that investigators judge she made aggregate untrue claims successful that role, and privation to find retired however overmuch blasted she shares for making those allegedly mendacious statements portion performing her relation arsenic a spokesperson.

The committee besides plans to face her with gaps successful what she told reporters successful the White House briefing country and accusation others progressive successful the withdrawal said they told the White House astatine the time, the root suggested. They volition beryllium looking into whether Psaki knowingly made misleading claims, arsenic Republicans suggest, oregon whether inaccurate accusation was fed to her, the root said. 

McCaul holds a property   league  astir  Garland impeachment

Rep. Mike McCaul attends a property league with senators and House impeachment managers astatine the U.S. Capitol connected April 16, 2024. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)


Specifically, GOP investigators privation to cognize whether the Biden medication – including the State Department and the Department of Defense – failed to supply close assessments to Psaki or, alternatively, was the accusation being channeled done nationalist information advisor Jake Sullivan, who whitethorn person misrepresented bureau inputs to the White House property secretary. 

The root said Republicans are looking into whether the Biden medication was choosing authorities implicit policy, perchance hiding the information from the American people. 

During past week's statesmanlike debate, Biden made the stunning omission of the 13 U.S. work members killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal, claiming: "Truth is I’m the lone president this period that doesn’t person immoderate – this decennary – that didn’t person immoderate troops dying anyplace successful the world, similar [President Trump] did."

Blasting Biden connected the House level the adjacent day, McCaul said, "That is simply a lie, Mr. President. I’d similar to punctual President Biden of the 13 work members that died connected his ticker during a violent onslaught astatine Abbey Gate connected August 26, 2021, during his deadly and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan." 

Jen Psaki astatine  New York speaking engagement

Jen Psaki speaks onstage during Jen Psaki successful Conversation with Lawrence O’Donnell - Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World astatine 92NY connected May 8, 2024, successful New York City. (Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

He past work the names of those killed: Marine Lance Cpl. David Lee Espinoza, Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, Marine Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover, Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, Marine Cpl. Hunter Lopez, Marine Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, Marine Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, Marine Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo, Marine Cpl. Humberto Sanchez, Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, Navy Corpsman Maxton (Max) Soviak, and Marine Cpl. Daegan William-Tyler Page. 

In summation to those 13, 3 U.S. work members died successful a drone onslaught successful Jordan earlier this year.

The investigation by McCaul has been viewed by Democrats arsenic 1 of the little partisan probes launched by the House GOP bulk successful this Congress.


McCaul authored a study that examined the Biden administration's decisions and actions successful item aft the president, connected April 14, 2021, announced his determination to unconditionally retreat each U.S. subject unit from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021. 

"Over the pursuing 4 months, the medication repeatedly delayed captious enactment that was indispensable to mitigate the apt consequences of the decision," according to the report's enforcement summary. "The effect of their inaction was a chaotic Non-combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) wherever 13 U.S. servicemembers mislaid their lives and much than 800 Americans were abandoned down force lines." The study examines the aftermath, including "Taliban seizure of power, the chaotic and deadly evacuation, and the semipermanent interaction the withdrawal has had connected the United States and our allies." 

Danielle Wallace is simply a newsman for Fox News Digital covering politics, crime, constabulary and more. Story tips tin beryllium sent to and connected Twitter: @danimwallace. 

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