Body language expert's brutal take on Biden's debate against Trump: 'Like a dead man walking'

2 days ago 4

President Biden and erstwhile President Donald Trump squared disconnected successful their high-stakes 2024 predetermination debate rematch connected Thursday and the opposition betwixt the brace could not person been much stark, assemblage connection adept Susan Constantine tells Fox News.

Constantine says the carnal quality betwixt the candidates was noticeable from the infinitesimal they some took the signifier successful Atlanta, and that acceptable the code for the remainder of the evening, with Trump purveying spot and assurance successful his mannerisms, portion Biden showed a bushed and dilatory demeanor, made worse by his raspy voice, mumbled answers and oftentimes dazed looks.

"I was truly acrophobic due to the fact that the infinitesimal [Biden] walked retired connected that stage, I felt helium [was] not feeling good," Constantine said. "His tegument was pale, it was pasty, and helium virtually looked similar a dormant antheral walking."


Biden looking dazed

Biden looks connected arsenic helium participates successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 elections with erstwhile President Trump connected June 27, 2024. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)

"It was arsenic if everything were successful dilatory motion," she continued. "His fingers and his deficiency of illustrators erstwhile helium was talking, helium was similar a frozen statue up determination connected the stage. It truly was achy to watch. [Trump] had a much superior demeanor. He didn't marque a batch of facial gestures arsenic we usually spot him do. He didn't flash his large large grin astatine anybody. He was precise superior erstwhile helium walked retired connected the stage, and it truly didn't alteration astatine each done the full debate."

Constantine added, "It made Biden look exceptionally weak, and made Donald Trump exceptionally powerful."

Biden's run blamed the raspy dependable connected a cold, but the president's uneven statement show grabbed the immense bulk of headlines from the debate, sparking a caller circular of calls from governmental pundits and immoderate Democrats for the president to see stepping speech arsenic the party's standard-bearer. 

But apical Biden allies pushed backmost against specified speech arsenic they defended the president and targeted Trump for lying passim the debate. 

Constantine says that it was wide that Biden had rehearsed galore of his answers and went done his scripted answers precise accelerated truthful arsenic not to hide his lines. But erstwhile helium did neglect to recollect lines, it tripped him up, resulting successful him giving agelong stares, oftentimes without blinking, which she describes arsenic a "stalker stare." 

"And the infinitesimal helium forgot a mates of words, it was each implicit with, right, and past you could spot that dropped mouth, and it was that dumbfounded look," she explained. "His eyes would go precise unfastened and astir zombie-like. So helium had that precise level look successful his eyes."


Joe Biden, Donald Trump

Biden and Trump debated successful a high-stakes statement Thursday nighttime and a assemblage adept says their gestures told a batch astir them. (Getty Images)

She besides said Biden had excessively galore cosmetic injections which physically prevented him from making due expressions.

"He was truly mode excessively botoxed out, and that is simply a existent occupation due to the fact that it tin make immoderate cognitive issues due to the fact that erstwhile you unopen down those emotions done facial effects, it tin impact your brain," Constantine explained. "It truly astir felt abusive successful my opinion, to virtually let him … [to] spell done that benignant of unit knowing that helium is successful this precocious cognitive diminution was to me, astir abusive."

"And it was bittersweet to watch. My bosom broke," she added. "I mean, literally, I could person cried watching him effort to unit these words retired the champion helium could and it was conscionable ace hard to watch. The emotion that I felt, of sympathy, of empathy, due to the fact that helium conscionable genuinely looked pathetic."

Trump, connected the different hand, showed subject and commanded his signifier space, Constantine said, adding that the deficiency of an assemblage played to Trump’s vantage arsenic it kept him focused connected the statement and not distracted.

She said Trump besides utilized his manus movements to convey his messaging. He besides expressed his emotions successful his face, and said that erstwhile helium is wounded oregon attacked, it is noticeable arsenic his look droops downward successful a bittersweet gesture.


President Trump speaking and hands showing

Trump utilized his hands to convey his constituent successful the debate. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)

"He's a large feline with large hands, right? And helium captures the attention," Constantine said. "He's precise big, and wide and open, and truthful everything successful his gestures and successful his movements are large and boisterous. His hands are nary much than further communicators of what he's saying."

Constantine said Trump utilized a chopping question erstwhile helium was superior and utilized an "okay" motion erstwhile helium was concentrating connected thing that was truly important. He besides gave an "L" motion astatine receptor level which she presumption arsenic "listen and learn" portion helium besides moved his hands towards his thorax arsenic if helium is playing an accordion. 

"[Trump's gestures] are overmuch much accelerated and overmuch much commanding, overmuch much intense. But that goes on with his property truthful it is successful sync with his personality," Constantine said. "We've seen politicians wherever their gestures are truthful synchronized and they're truthful connected constituent that it loses its authenticity. He near that model unfastened truthful that helium was capable to gesture, enactment wrong that balance, enactment wrong the frame, link with the audience, oregon connected camera and not implicit motion but conscionable motion capable to get his constituent across." 

"Very powerful," she added. 

Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.  

Michael Dorgan is simply a writer for Fox News Digital and Fox Business.

You tin nonstop tips to and travel him connected Twitter @M_Dorgan.

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