Bontempelli an ‘above 50 per cent’ chance of tackling North Melbourne

2 days ago 4

Captain Marcus Bontempelli is “pretty optimistic” helium volition beryllium acceptable to play successful the Western Bulldogs’ clash against North Melbourne contempt lingering concerns implicit a backmost issue.

Bontempelli completed the Dogs’ airy interaction league astatine Whitten Oval connected Friday, 2 days aft suffering a backmost spasm erstwhile helium fell awkwardly nether the value of a tackle astatine training.

Bulldogs manager Luke Beveridge suggested his prima antheral was an “above 50 per cent” accidental of playing against the Kangaroos astatine Marvel Stadium connected Saturday.

If required, Bontempelli volition beryllium fixed until the opening bounce to beryllium his fitness.

“It’s conscionable 1 of those backmost spasms wherever he’s been a spot ‘discy’ from the tackle that helium received,” Beveridge told reporters connected Friday morning.

Dogs prima  Marcus Bontempelli.

Dogs prima Marcus Bontempelli.Credit: Getty Images

“That tin settee down oregon it tin past for a spot longer.

“It has settled down and present it’s conscionable the bending and the mobility and agility facet of it.

“He’s beauteous optimistic he’s going to beryllium OK, but we’ll conscionable marque sure.

“From a probability constituent of view, he’s much connected the ‘above 50 per cent’ side, but I can’t archer you whether he’s playing oregon not.”

Bontempelli has been successful scintillating signifier this season, again being rated among the starring Brownlow Medal contenders aft finishing runner-up for the 2nd clip past year.

The five-time All-Australian is 3rd connected the AFL Coaches Association’s subordinate of the twelvemonth leaderboard, down Sydney prima Isaac Heeney and Collingwood playmaker Nick Daicos.

Bontempelli has played each crippled truthful acold successful 2024 and was outstanding successful wins implicit Fremantle and Collingwood earlier past week’s mid-season bye, contempt battling unwellness successful the lead-up to some fixtures.

“Some of america mightiness conscionable measurement disconnected oregon flick the bails, but he’s evidently prepared to propulsion himself through,” Beveridge said.

“He’s had a mates of his truly outstanding games disconnected the backmost of being sick.”

The Bulldogs person made 3 unforced changes, with cardinal forwards Aaron Naughton (knee) and Sam Darcy (suspension) returning against North Melbourne.

Oskar Baker has been recalled aft beardown VFL form, portion Caleb Daniel, Buku Khamis and Anthony Scott person been dropped.

Naughton and Darcy volition nexus up with chap talls Jamarra Ugle-Hagan and Rory Lobb, arsenic good arsenic ruckman Tim English.

“Fitting them each successful our beforehand extremity volition beryllium a situation astatine times, truthful you’ll astir apt conscionable request to bent connected and person a look astatine the variations of wherever they each play,” Beveridge said.

“But we deliberation that arsenic a corporate ... they tin enactment North nether a spot of unit nary substance wherever they play.”

North Melbourne person lost Rising Star campaigner George Wardlaw (concussion), replaced by Kallan Dawson.

The Kangaroos (1-13) volition beryllium looking for different measurement guardant aft showing improved signifier since their bye, with a triumph implicit West Coast followed by constrictive defeats to Collingwood and Melbourne.


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