Both houses of Parliament adjourned till noon as INDIA bloc MPs demand discussion on NEET

2 days ago 4

Both the Houses of Parliament – Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha – were adjourned till noon connected Friday aft the Opposition leaders demanded a treatment connected alleged irregularities successful the NEET and ‘failure’ of National Testing Agency (NTA). 

The Members of Parliament (MPs) from Opposition parties, including the Congress, had moved adjournment motions demanding treatment connected the issues successful some the Houses. The determination to determination these motions was taken successful a gathering of the level leaders of the INDIA bloc held connected June 27 astatine Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge's residence successful the nationalist capital.

Congress MPs Ranjeet Ranjan and Gaurav Gogoi determination adjournment question announcement successful Lok Sabha portion Congress MP Syed Naseer Hussain moved the question successful Rajya Sabha.

The league successful Lok Sabha began by the Speaker Om Birla speechmaking retired the obituary references to members of the House who person passed distant recently. After the references, the Speaker said that the motion's moved cannot beryllium taken up during the treatment connected President's code to the houses

“We wanted to nonstop retired a connection from the Parliament to the affected younker of the state that the authorities and the absorption are acrophobic astir you. That is wherefore we had demanded a treatment earlier we could sermon the President's Address,” person of absorption and Congress MP Rahul Gandhi said.

Similar scenes were witnessed successful Rajya Sabha excessively wherever chairperson Jagdeep Dhankhar adjourned the House amid ruckus by INDIA bloc MPs demanding treatment connected NEET.  

Held connected May 5, the NEET-UG exam for admittance to aesculapian colleges has been mired successful contention owed to allegations of question insubstantial leaks and irregularities. The results of the exams were declared connected June 4. The CBI connected June 27  made its archetypal arrests successful the NEET-UG insubstantial leak case, taking 2 radical into custody successful Patna, Bihar.

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HomePoliticsBoth houses of Parliament adjourned till noon arsenic INDIA bloc MPs request treatment connected NEET

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