Dragons and Raiders set to table $4.5 million offers to Utoikamanu

2 days ago 3

Dragons and Raiders acceptable to array $4.5 cardinal offers to Utoikamanu

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St George Illawarra person signalled their involvement successful luring Stefano Utoikamanu to the nine and are preparing to connection the Wests Tigers prop a five-year woody worthy $4.5 million.

The Dragons opened discussions with Utoikamanu this week and privation the accidental to merchantability the club’s imaginativeness to the erstwhile NSW Origin representative, who this week was granted support by the Tigers to research options astatine rival clubs.

The Herald reported earlier this period that the Tigers person tabled Utoikamanu a five-year woody worthy $4 million. That sum works retired astir $100,000 a play little than the Dragons person indicated they would beryllium consenting to walk connected the player.

A Dragons authoritative confirmed the club’s involvement successful Utoikamanu erstwhile contacted by the Herald connected Friday.

The Canberra Raiders person besides entered the contention for his signature. The Raiders are preparing for beingness aft Josh Papalii and person indicated they would beryllium capable to walk much than the Tigers person offered.

Sources with cognition of the situation, talking connected the information of anonymity, told the Herald the Raiders – similar the Dragons – would beryllium consenting to walk $900,000 per play to bring Utoikamanu to the nation’s capital.

Wests Tigers prop Stefano Utoikamanu is successful  large  demand.

Wests Tigers prop Stefano Utoikamanu is successful large demand.Credit: Getty

The Melbourne Storm person besides been keeping tabs connected the concern and are preparing to marque a play for the 24-year-old. The Bulldogs are exploring different options and aren’t consenting to walk apical dollar connected a front-rower.

A unsocial clause successful Utoikamanu’s declaration volition spot him go a escaped cause if helium didn’t play 2 State of Origin games this twelvemonth oregon the Tigers missed the apical eight. Utoikamanu was not selected for the archetypal 2 Origin games, and the Tigers are lone a slim accidental of playing finals.


Utoikamanu decided against accepting the Tigers’ connection of an hold and met with main enforcement Shane Richardson and manager Benji Marshall past week to pass them of his tendency to research the marketplace astatine the extremity of the season.

The Tigers alternatively gave him support to statesman negotiations immediately, resulting successful a speech betwixt the Dragons and his management.

Utoikamanu has told the nine that helium enjoys beingness nether Marshall but besides harbours a tendency to play finals football. The nine has been attempting to person him helium tin bash that successful the adjacent aboriginal astatine the Wests Tigers.

The Tigers’ offer, which averages retired astir $800,000 per year, is little than the $900,000 fig erstwhile main enforcement Justin Pascoe indicated the nine would beryllium consenting to walk to clasp the prop.

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