First 2024 Trump-Biden presidential debate: Top clashes over issues from the border to Ukraine

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Heated exchanges ensued betwixt erstwhile President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden during the CNN Presidential Debate connected Thursday night, arsenic the 2 rivals went head-to-head during their 2nd statement since 2020. 

Illegal immigration, abortion, and ostentation were among the apical issues connected the statement stage, arsenic good arsenic clime alteration and the Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine wars.

The statement comes arsenic Biden and Trump are the frontrunners for the Democratic and Republican parties respectively. This is the archetypal televised statement betwixt the candidates for this predetermination rhythm and a 2nd hosted by ABC is scheduled to beryllium held successful September. 

Trump did not enactment successful the Republican superior debates, portion the Democratic National Convention (DNC) threw its afloat enactment down Biden and did not clasp immoderate debates among his challengers.


Biden v Trump

President Biden and erstwhile President Trump.  ((AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson and Evan Vucci))

Here are the apical clashes from Thursday's debate:

1. "I truly don't cognize what helium said," Trump-Biden migration clash

When CNN moderator Jake Tapper asked President Joe Biden to pass voters wherefore helium tin curb the record-high numbers of amerciable migrants crossing the borderline during Thursday night's debate, Biden and Trump sparred implicit their migration policies, which ended successful Biden calling Trump a "liar" and Trump appearing to not recognize a information of Biden's responses.

After touting Congress's bipartisan borderline bundle that lawmakers bucked earlier this year, Biden said "we find ourselves successful a concern wherever erstwhile helium was president, helium was separating babies from their mothers enactment them successful cages, making definite that the families were separated."

"That's not the close mode to go. What I've done since I've changed the law, what's happened? I've changed it successful a mode that present you're successful a concern wherever determination are 40% less radical coming crossed the borderline illegally, that's amended than erstwhile helium near office. And I'm going to proceed to determination until we get the full prohibition connected the full inaugural comparative to what we tin bash with much Border Patrol and much asylum officers," Biden said.

But Trump, appearing to not recognize Biden, responded: "I truly don't cognize what helium said astatine the extremity of that sentence, I don't deliberation helium knows what helium said either."

"Look, we had the safest borderline successful the past of our country," Trump continued. "All helium had to bash was permission it, each helium had to bash was to permission it. He decided to unfastened up our border, unfastened up our country, to radical that are from prisons, radical that are from intelligence institutions, insane asylum, terrorists – we person the largest fig of terrorists coming into our state close now."


Biden and Trump debate

US President Joe Biden speaks arsenic helium participates successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 elections with erstwhile US President and Republican statesmanlike campaigner Donald Trump astatine CNN's studios successful Atlanta, Georgia, connected June 27, 2024. (Getty Images)

2. ‘Alley feline morals,’ Trump-Biden clash implicit Stormy Daniels allegations

Biden accused erstwhile President Trump of "having enactment with a porn star" and said helium has "the morals of an alley cat," but the presumptive Republican nominee maintained that helium did not, and accused Biden of being down his ineligible cases due to the fact that "he can't triumph just and square." 

"How galore billions of dollars bash you beryllium civilian penalties for molesting a pistillate successful public? For doing a full scope of things—having enactment with a porn star…while your woman was pregnant?" Biden said. "You person the morals of an alley feline during the night, sir." 

Trump fired backmost denying the allegations.

"I didn’t person enactment with a porn star, fig one," helium said. "Number two, that was a lawsuit that was started, and they moved a high-ranking official—DOJ—into the Manhattan DA’s bureau to commencement the case." 

Trump was referring to Matthew Colangelo, who served arsenic a elder DOJ authoritative successful the Biden administration, and near to articulation Bragg’s prosecution team. 

3. ‘I volition person that warfare settled betwixt Putin and Zelinsky arsenic President-Elect earlier I instrumentality office,’ Trump-Biden spar implicit Ukraine-Russia war

Trump threw respective jabs astatine Biden for giving billions of dollars to Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy to proceed its defence against the Russian penetration that began successful February 2022 and said if elected, he'd person the warfare "settled" earlier taking office.

"He's fixed $200 billion, that's a batch of money," Trump said. "I don't deliberation there's ever been thing similar it. Every clip that Zelinsky comes to this country. He walks distant with $60 billion. He's the top salesman ever."

"The wealth that we're spending connected this war, we shouldn't beryllium spending. It should person ne'er happened. I volition person that warfare settled betwixt Putin and Zelinsky arsenic President-Elect earlier I instrumentality bureau connected January 20. I'll person that warfare settled. People being killed truthful needlessly, truthful stupidly and I volition get it settled, and I'll get it settee accelerated earlier I instrumentality office."

In response, the existent president said, "The information is that Putin is simply a warfare criminal."

"He's killed 1000s and 1000s of radical and helium has made 1 happening clear, helium wants to reestablish what was portion of the Soviet empire, not conscionable a piece, helium wants each of Ukraine," helium said.

"By the way, each that wealth we springiness Ukraine from weapons we marque present successful the United States, springiness them the weapons, not the wealth astatine this point, and I made our NATO allies nutrient arsenic overmuch backing for Ukraine arsenic we person – that's wherefore it's that's wherefore we're strong," helium said. 


Trump Biden border

This composite representation shows President Biden, erstwhile President Trump and the confederate border. ((AP Photo/Gerald Herbert and Fox News))

4. Trump-Biden spar implicit cognitive abilities, play handicaps: ‘You are a child’

During the CNN Presidential Debate, CNN moderator Dana Bash presented the property Biden and Trump would beryllium astatine the extremity of a imaginable 2nd term.

Biden would beryllium 86. Trump would beryllium 82. 

Biden defended his age, saying helium "spent fractional my vocation being criticized astir being the youngest idiosyncratic successful politics. I was the second-youngest idiosyncratic ever elected to the United States Senate, and present I’m the oldest. This feline is 3 years younger and a batch little competent." 

But Trump reminded that helium has taken 2 cognitive tests. 

"I aced some of them, arsenic you know, we made it public. He took none. I’d similar to spot him instrumentality one. Just privation a existent casual one," Trump said. 

Trump, an avid golfer, said Thursday nighttime that helium precocious "won 2 nine championships—not adjacent senior—two regular nine championships." 

"To bash that, you person to beryllium rather astute and you person to beryllium capable to deed the shot a agelong mode and I bash it," Trump said. "He doesn’t bash it. He can’t deed a shot 50 yards. He challenged maine to a play match—he can’t deed a shot 50 yards." 

"I’ve seen you swing. I cognize your swing," Trump fiered back. "Let’s not enactment similar children." 

But Biden replied: "You are a child." 


Trump and Biden debate

Debate dial shows Democratic voters respond favorably towards Biden's comments connected the economy.   (Fox News Digital)

5. Biden-Trump speech jabs implicit transgression records

While Biden reminded Trump that the "only person" that has a felony grounds connected the statement signifier is Trump, the erstwhile president said "when helium talks astir a convicted felon, his lad is simply a convicted felon."

"At a precise precocious level, his lad is convicted," Trump said, adding that he'd question "retribution," referring to a imaginable November predetermination victory. 

"As soon arsenic helium gets retired of office, Joe could beryllium a convicted felon with each of the things that he's done," helium continued. "He's done horrible things, each of the decease caused astatine the border, telling the Ukrainian radical that we're gonna privation a cardinal dollars if you alteration the prosecutor, otherwise, you're not getting a cardinal dollars. If one ever said that, that's quid pro quo."

"This antheral is simply a criminal. This man, you're lucky, you're lucky. I did thing wrong. We person a strategy that was rigged and disgusting," Trump said.

Meanwhile, Biden pushed backmost astatine the thought that helium has done immoderate wrongdoing "is outrageous."

"It's simply a lie," Biden responded. "Number two, the thought that you person a close to question retribution against immoderate American conscionable due to the fact that you're president is wrong. No president has ever spoken similar that before. No president successful our past has spoken similar that before." 

Fox News Digital's Brooke Singman contributed to this report. 

Jamie Joseph is simply a writer who covers politics. She leads Fox News Digital sum of the Senate. 

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