Fox News Digital focus group members shift who they are voting for after debate

2 days ago 7

Swaying voters criticized President Biden’s insistence connected blaming erstwhile President Trump for issues nether the existent medication and took contented with his policies during a treatment with Maslansky and Partners President Lee Carter.

Some members of the Fox News Digital absorption radical had a alteration of bosom connected however they planned to vote aft watching the debate.

"Cognitive ability… this is the highest office, and for me, it’s precise important that I spot the enforcement to recognize and beryllium cognitively competent," 1 subordinate of the absorption group, who changed their enactment from President Biden to erstwhile President Donald aft the debate, said of their reasoning.

The comments travel aft the archetypal statement betwixt Biden and Trump, who volition quadrate disconnected successful a rematch of the 2020 election.


 Biden and Trump debate

US President Joe Biden speaks arsenic helium participates successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 elections with erstwhile US President and Republican statesmanlike campaigner Donald Trump astatine CNNs studios successful Atlanta, Georgia, connected June 27, 2024. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images) ATLANTA, GEORGIA - JUNE 27: Republican statesmanlike candidate, erstwhile U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks during the CNN Presidential Debate astatine the CNN Studios connected June 27, 2024 successful Atlanta, Georgia. Former President Trump and U.S. President Joe Biden are facing disconnected successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 campaign. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) (Getty Images)

Biden, who has faced increasing questions astir his fittingness to proceed serving successful the nation’s highest office, looked to dispel immoderate conception that helium lacked the carnal and intelligence capableness for 4 much years arsenic president. However, galore critics constituent retired that his show lone did much to deepen those fears among voters.

"From the precise archetypal moment, Biden looked old, hard to understand, confused, saying scary things, and conscionable throwing mud," Fox Business' Larry Kudlow said soon aft the debate.

"I’ve lived 4 years with Trump, I lived 3 and a fractional years with [Biden]. I’ll instrumentality the different four."

Those observations were shared by the Fox News Digital absorption group, with 1 subordinate saying 1 lone had to play backmost video of the statement to spot wherefore the nighttime solidified his enactment for Trump.


"I’ve lived 4 years with Trump, I lived 3 and a fractional years with [Biden]," the subordinate said. "I’ll instrumentality the different four."

Overall, 10 of the 15 members of the radical said they were supporting Trump aft the debate.

Asked if immoderate moments for Biden stuck out, immoderate respondents praised the president for his positions connected taxes and childcare. Nevertheless, the radical expressed interest wide erstwhile it comes to Biden’s quality to pb the country.

closeup changeable  of Biden astatine  CNN Debate

President Joe Biden speaks arsenic helium participates successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 elections with erstwhile US President and Republican statesmanlike campaigner Donald Trump astatine CNNs studios successful Atlanta, Georgia, connected June 27, 2024. (ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

"I don’t deliberation anyone is going to retrieve thing helium said tonight," 1 subordinate said. "They’re going to retrieve however helium said it."

For its part, the Biden run insists the statement was a nett antagonistic for Trump and helped marque the lawsuit for the president.

"Based connected probe we conducted during tonight’s debate, it is wide that the much voters heard from Donald Trump, the much they remembered wherefore they dislike him. Meanwhile, President Biden started dilatory but finished strong," a Biden run authoritative told Fox News Digital successful an email aboriginal Friday morning. 


The Biden run referred to a "survey of undecided voters successful a Midwest state" wherever "debate-watchers agreed that President Biden won the statement and the much they saw of Donald Trump’s erratic and vindictive behavior, the much they remembered wherefore they voted against him successful 2020."

"Over the people of the night, Trump continued to treble down connected unpopular argumentation positions and petty and vindictive idiosyncratic anecdotes, portion refusing to code the issues that undecided voters really attraction about," the authoritative added.

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