HDFC Bank's new credit card rules to take effect from August 1 — late fee revised; rent, utility payments to cost more

2 days ago 4

HDFC Bank revises recognition paper regulations, implements charges connected transactions done via third-party apps.

HDFC Bank has revised recognition  paper  rules.HDFC Bank has revised recognition paper rules.

HDFC Bank, the biggest backstage assemblage slope successful India, has revised its presumption and conditions for recognition paper holders. The caller rules volition instrumentality effect from August 1, 2024.

The revised rules are:

1% complaint successful rental transactions utilizing third-party outgo apps

The rental transactions made done third-party outgo apps specified arsenic PayTM, CRED, MobiKwik, and Cheq volition beryllium charged 1 per cent interest connected the transaction amount. The payments are capped astatine 3,000 per transaction.

1% complaint connected inferior transactions supra 50,000

Transactions beneath 50,000 volition not pull immoderate further fees. However, for transactions supra 50,000, a 1 per cent interest volition beryllium incurred. There is simply a headdress of 3,000 per transaction. Insurance transactions are, however, exempted from these fees.

1% complaint connected substance transactions supra 15,000

There volition beryllium nary further fees for transactions beneath 15,000. For transactions exceeding 15,000, a 1 per cent interest volition beryllium charged connected the full amount. There is simply a headdress of 3,000 per transaction.

1% complaint connected acquisition transactions made by 3rd enactment apps

Transactions made straight done assemblage oregon schoolhouse websites and their POS machines volition beryllium interest -free.Transactions made by 3rd enactment apps specified CRED, PayTM volition incur 1% fee. A headdress of 3000 per transaction volition beryllium applicable. International acquisition payments are excluded from this charge.

3.5% complaint connected planetary transactions

For each the planetary oregon transverse currency transactions , a markup interest of 3.5% volition beryllium levied.

Revised precocious outgo charges.

The precocious outgo interest operation has been revised ranging from 100 to 300 based connected outstanding amounts.

Fees connected redeeming rewards

A redemption interest of 50 volition beryllium charged connected customers redeeming rewards connected connection recognition oregon cashback.

3.75% Finance complaint for outstanding balance

Customers utilizing revolving recognition facilities volition beryllium charged of 3.75% per month. It volition beryllium applicable from the transaction day until the outstanding equilibrium is afloat paid.

Easy-EMI processing interest of upto 299

For availing Easy-EMI enactment astatine immoderate online oregon offline store, customers volition incur an EMI processing interest of up to 299.

Other fees

In addition,HDFC Bank has changed rules for Tata Neu Infinity and Tata Neu Plus recognition cards effectual from August 1, 2024. Users of the Tata Neu Infinity and HDFC Bank recognition card volition person 1.5% NeuCoins connected eligible UPI transactions made utilizing Tata Neu UPI ID.Transactions made via different eligible UPI IDs volition get 0.50% NeuCoins. Card holders of the Tata Neu Plus HDFC Bank Credit Card volition get 1% NeuCoins connected eligible UPI transactions utilizing Tata Neu UPI ID, and 0.25% NeuCoins connected transactions utilizing different eligible UPI IDs.

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HomeCompaniesNewsHDFC Bank’s caller recognition paper rules to instrumentality effect from August 1 — precocious interest revised; rent, inferior payments to outgo more

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