How hot does it need to be to fry an egg on a car bonnet or cook a toastie on an engine?

2 days ago 1

From fancy cars to dishwashers, there’s nary extremity to quality ingenuity erstwhile it comes to antithetic cooking methods.

Terry Durack

Ever since Hollywood fearfulness histrion Vincent Price cooked a full trout successful a dishwasher connected The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson successful 1975, radical person been coming up with weird and fantastic ways of feeding themselves.

Price wrapped the food successful foil with olive oil, achromatic vino and citrus and enactment it done a afloat rhythm (no rinse), allowing the vigor of the generated steam to navigator the fish. It’s present an accepted cooking technique, albeit 1 that relies connected tightly sealing the foil.

Photo: Simon Letch

There’s nary extremity to quality ingenuity erstwhile it comes to getting meal connected the array against the odds.

In 1989, a cookery publication called Manifold Destiny was published for those who similar to navigator their meals connected wheels. It helpfully pointed retired which parts of the car motor are hotter than others, and however acold you volition request to thrust successful bid to make capable vigor to navigator the food. (Four 100 kilometres for the cruise-control pork, apparently, but lone 57 kilometres for crayfish.)

And past year, the irrepressible, planetary personage chef, Gordon Ramsay, took to TikTok to navigator a food toastie connected the motor of a $4.5 cardinal Aston Martin Valkyrie arsenic helium sped astir a racetrack. That seems similar an costly toaster, but each to his own.

Watch societal media agelong capable and you, too, volition soon beryllium trying to navigator a foil-wrapped food toastie by pressing it with a blistery iron, and melting cocoa and marshmallows with a hair-dryer.

But wherefore each the tricks erstwhile quality itself tin bash the cooking for you? In Quebec, they determination blistery maple syrup onto freshly fallen snowfall and rotation up the “taffy” with popsicle sticks arsenic a wintertime treat.

And I’m told volcanologists emotion to grill a fewer sausages implicit the molten lava of a volcanic eruption – if they tin get adjacent enough.

Then there’s the subordinate of the Queensland Police Service who cracked an ovum into a cast-iron cookware sitting connected the bonnet of his squad car successful Birdsville a fewer years ago. The somesthesia had conscionable deed 46 degrees and the ovum instantly spluttered and sizzled, cooking successful seconds. Talk astir a solar-powered breakfast.

Aren’t the remainder of america fortunate to person a afloat retinue of pots, pans and power-driven room devices to alteration america to navigator astatine our best? Maybe.

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