Russia Maintains Punishing Pace of Deadly Strikes on Ukrainian Cities

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A barrage connected Vilniansk, a municipality successful the south, killed seven, including 3 children, arsenic attacks crossed Ukraine successful the past fewer days person near dozens dead, according to section authorities.

Firefighters moving   among the blackened remains of cars and a damaged yellowish  building.
Damage aft a Russian rocket onslaught successful the municipality of Vilniansk, successful southeastern Ukraine, connected Saturday.Credit...Reuters

Marc Santora

June 30, 2024, 10:42 a.m. ET

A Russian rocket onslaught connected a tiny municipality successful southeastern Ukraine and the fiery inferno that followed killed astatine slightest seven civilians, including 3 children, the country’s authorities said arsenic they surveyed connected Sunday the deadly toll of 2 days of fierce Russian assaults.

Yuriy Borzenko, main doc of Zaporizhzhia Regional Children’s Hospital, said successful a telephone interrogation that, speech from those killed, dozens of others, including a large pistillate and 5 14-year-old girls, were being treated for wounds aft the onslaught connected the southeastern town, Vilniansk, which took spot connected Saturday.

The girls were retired for a locomotion unneurotic successful the day sunshine, Dr. Borzenko said, erstwhile explosions from the projectiles tore done the halfway of the town, engulfing shops, cars and homes successful flames. Shrapnel had embedded successful the skull of 1 of the girls, who was near successful a coma, helium said, “still successful betwixt beingness and death.”

“Her parents are successful truly atrocious shape, I conscionable saw them,” helium added.

As the attacks person rained down, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has reiterated his plea to loosen restrictions connected the usage of long-range American missiles known arsenic ATACMS truthful that Ukraine tin people warplanes astatine Russian aerial bases earlier they instrumentality to the entity connected bombing runs.

“Long-range strikes and modern aerial defence are the instauration for stopping the regular Russian terror,” helium said connected Sunday successful a connection accompanying videos said to amusement the aftermath of a fig of the week’s worst attacks.

The onslaught successful Vilniansk was 1 of a bid of attacks crossed Ukraine, which person killed astatine slightest 24 civilians since Friday evening, according to section officials and exigency workers, who said that scores much had been wounded.

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