One dead after armed gunmen storm French wedding

1 day ago 4

A antheral successful his 30s has been killed and respective others wounded successful a shooting astatine a Turkish wedding successful north-east France, constabulary person said.

French media study that 3 armed, hooded men arrived astatine the reception venue successful Thionville precocious connected Saturday nighttime earlier opening occurrence connected guests.

Quoting constabulary sources, Le Figaro paper says the attackers came astatine 01:15am section clip to "settle scores betwixt well-known gangs successful Moselle".

A large pistillate was among the wounded, constabulary said, and 3 of the injured are reportedly successful a captious information astatine the Bel-Air infirmary nearby.

Around 100 radical were celebrating astatine Eden Palace erstwhile the gunmen arrived astatine the lawsuit successful a 4x4 car, according to French media, successful the portion of Lorraine adjacent the borders of Germany and Luxembourg.

"At a 4th past 1 successful the morning, a radical of radical went extracurricular to fume successful beforehand of the hall, and past 3 heavily-armed men opened occurrence successful their direction," a constabulary root was quoted by AFP.

The men reportedly utilized automatic weapons and shotguns.

In a statement, authoritative Nancy Francois Capin-Dulhoste said the men had fired "several twelve times", adding 4 radical had been deed by the bullets. The victims are said to beryllium betwixt 25 and 50 years old.

When the exigency services arrived, the attackers had already fled the scene.

Local paper Le Républicain Lorrain reports that constabulary are investigating whether the conveyance came from Germany oregon Luxembourg - astir 15km (9.3 miles) away.

The borderline portion of Lorraine has often seen convulsive incidents linked to cause trafficking.

According to Le Parisien, the dormant and the injured are known to the authorities for drug-related cases.

In May 2023, successful the neighbouring municipality of Villerupt, a shooting betwixt rival gangs near 5 radical injured.

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