'It's time to rip the band aid off!': Former longtime Democrat lawmaker urges Biden to step aside for Harris

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A erstwhile longtime Democratic lawmaker is erstwhile again calling for President Biden to measurement speech and extremity his 2024 bid for a 2nd word successful the White House. 

"We person to rip the set assistance off! Too overmuch is astatine stake," erstwhile Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio emphasized successful a societal media station connected Tuesday.

Pointing to Vice President Kamala Harris, Ryan argued that "@VP has importantly grown into her job, she volition destruct Trump successful debate, item prime issue, energize our base, bring backmost young voters and springiness america generational change. It’s time!"


Tim Ryan successful  Niles, Ohio

Then-Rep. Tim Ryan, the 2022 Democratic Senate nominee successful Ohio, sits down for an interrogation with Fox News Digital astatine Giuseppe's Italian Market successful Niles, Ohio, connected Oct. 3, 2022. (Fox News )

in his post, Ryan linked to an sentiment portion helium wrote successful Newsweek which starts with him noting that "I ran for President successful 2020. I was the archetypal Presidential campaigner to endorse Joe Biden in 2020. I emotion America. I emotion our Party. I emotion Joe Biden. The Democratic Nominee successful 2024 should be Kamala Harris."

Biden, who astatine property 81 is the oldest president successful the nation's history, is facing the roughest agelong of his bid for a 2nd word successful the White House. This, aft his halting transportation and stumbling answers astatine past week's first debate with erstwhile President Trump sparked wide panic successful the Democratic Party and spurred calls from governmental pundits, editorial writers and immoderate enactment politicians and donors for Biden to measurement speech arsenic the party's 2024 standard-bearer.


In his 2 2020 Democratic statesmanlike superior statement appearances successful the summertime of 2019, the then-congressman from Ohio known for his populist outreach to blue-collar workers tangled a mates of times with the then-former Vice President Joe Biden.

However, aft dropping retired of the information contention successful the autumn of 2019, Ryan endorsed Biden.

Former Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio urges President Biden to measurement   speech  and fto  Vice President Kamala Harris service  arsenic  party's 2024 standard-bearer

Then-Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio speaks with New Hampshire voters arsenic helium campaigns for the 2020 Democratic statesmanlike nomination, successful Manchester, New Hampshire, successful 2019. (Fox News - Paul Steinhauser)

Fast-forward to 2022, and arsenic the Democratic Senate nominee successful Ohio, a high-profile predetermination showdown with present GOP Sen. JD Vance, Ryan said aggregate times that helium did not judge Biden should tally for re-election successful 2024.

"No, I’ve been precise clear. I’d similar to spot a generational change," Ryan said astatine an October 2022 debate.


Additionally, past November during an interrogation with CNN, Ryan reiterated that "I don't deliberation the president should run."

Joe Biden, Donald Trump

President Biden, right, and erstwhile President Trump look disconnected successful their archetypal debate, connected June 27, 2024 successful Atlanta. (Getty Images)

Ryan, who turns 51 aboriginal this month, wrote successful his sentiment portion that Biden pledged during the 2020 run "to beryllium a span President to the adjacent generation. I liked that idea. I envisioned him defeating erstwhile President Donald Trump, stabilizing the country, and passing the torch to the adjacent generation."

"Regrettably, that span collapsed past week. Witnessing Joe Biden conflict was heartbreaking. And we indispensable forge a caller way forward," Ryan argued.

Fox News reached retired to the Biden run for absorption to Ryan's comments but had yet to person a effect astatine the clip this nonfiction was posted.

Biden is not the lone apical Democratic person Ryan has urged to measurement aside.

Following the 2016 election, Ryan unsuccessfully challenged then-former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for number leader. While Pelosi - who would 2 years aboriginal erstwhile again triumph backmost the Speaker's gavel - easy dispatched Ryan, his situation was credited with starring Pelosi to enact changes to House Democrats' leadership.

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