Tata Group retains title of ‘India's most valuable brand’; Infosys, HDFC Bank among others in list: Brand Finance

3 days ago 4

Tata Group, with a marque worth of $28.6 billion, has retained its rubric arsenic India’s astir invaluable brand, according to a caller study from marque valuation consultancy Brand Finance released connected Thursday.

The Brand Finance India 100 2024 study besides highlights that the group's Taj edifice marque has been ranked arsenic the strongest Indian brand.

According to Brand Finance, Tata Group's marque worth marks the archetypal clip an Indian marque has approached the $30 cardinal mark, reflecting the prevailing optimism successful the Indian economy.

“Over the past triennium, the Tata Group has orchestrated a rigorous organisational refinement, wholeheartedly embracing integer translation and cutting-edge exertion crossed its manifold enterprises.  Concurrently, its marque prominence has ascended meteorically, propelled by strategical Indian Premier League sponsorships, aeronautical rebranding endeavours, and an expansive footprint bolstered by the flourishing retail domains of Westside and Tata Consumer products. Moreover, the conglomerate persistently pioneers successful societal well-being and ecological stewardship, establishing benchmarks of planetary eminence,” said Savio D’Souza, Director, Brand Finance.

Meanwhile, Infosys ranks second, portion HDFC Group has surged to the 3rd spot arsenic the astir invaluable Indian brand, driven by its merger with HDFC Ltd.

Banking brands person achieved double-digit maturation successful marque value, with Indian Bank, IndusInd Bank, and Union Bank starring the mode successful the report.

The telecoms assemblage has achieved a 61% maturation successful marque value, followed by the banking assemblage with a 26% increase, and the mining, iron, and alloy sectors, which person recorded an mean maturation of 16%. Telecom giants similar Jio, Airtel, and Vi person driven this maturation by adapting to changing user instrumentality usage patterns. In the banking sector, structural reforms and regulatory improvements person enhanced the marque values of starring nationalist assemblage banks, the study said.

“In the past year, India has go 1 of the astir viable destinations for manufacturing, engineering services, cognition hub for R&D and continues to beryllium the flagbearer of IT services globally. As a result, formidable brands specified arsenic Tata, Infosys, SBI, Airtel, Reliance, Taj Hotels, L&T, MRF and each proceed to punch good supra their value connected the planetary stage," said Ajimon Francis, Managing Director, Brand Finance India.

Other brands similar Raymond, Hexaware, Zetwerk, Indigo, HMEL were among different Indian brands which gained recognition.

The fastest-growing Indian brands are led by Westside, which saw a 122% summation successful marque value, followed by Motherson with 86% maturation and Sonata Software with 83% growth.

HomeCompaniesTata Group retains rubric of ‘India’s astir invaluable brand’; Infosys, HDFC Bank among others successful list: Brand Finance

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