Less than a third of voters prefer Biden over Trump to handle immigration: poll

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Less than a 3rd of voters similar President Biden to grip migration amid a still-raging situation astatine the confederate border, importantly little than the fig who spot erstwhile President Trump connected the captious predetermination issue, according to a caller canvass released Tuesday.

The canvass from CNN/SSRS comes aft past week’s statesmanlike statement and recovered wide that Trump leads Biden by six points, with three-quarters of voters saying Democrats would person a amended changeable astatine holding the presidency successful 2024 with idiosyncratic other astatine the apical of the ticket.

But connected the subject of immigration, voters were asked if they deliberation Biden oregon Trump would amended grip the contented if president. Just 28% of voters similar Biden, portion a importantly higher 50% similar Trump, and 21% said "neither of them."


Migrants adjacent   San Diego

Migrants get astatine a makeshift campy aft crossing the adjacent borderline with Mexico adjacent the Jacumba Hot Springs connected Feb. 23, 2024, successful San Diego, California. (Qian Weizhong/VCG via Getty Images)

The polling besides shows that migration is simply a apical contented for galore voters, with it coming 3rd connected the database of priorities down the system and protecting democracy, and up of abortion, wellness care, clime alteration and overseas policy.

The canvass was conducted via web and telephone betwixt June 28-30, with a typical illustration of 1,274 respondents. 

The canvass comes aft a tough statement for Biden, which has raised questions for immoderate Democrats astir whether helium should measurement speech arsenic nominee. But it was besides a statement successful which the borderline crisis, present successful its 4th year, was brought up repeatedly.

"They're sidesplitting our radical successful New York and California and each authorities successful the national due to the fact that we don't person borders anymore. Every authorities is present a border," Trump said. "And due to the fact that of his ridiculous, insane and precise anserine policies, radical are coming successful and they're sidesplitting our citizens astatine a level that we've ne'er seen."

Republicans person blamed Biden-era policies for the crisis, portion the medication has said it needs much backing and betterment from Congress to hole a "broken" system. It has besides pointed to a driblet successful numbers precocious since Biden took enforcement enactment to bounds immoderate asylum claims.


Biden pushed back, blaming Trump for obstructing bipartisan authorities and pointing to changes helium had made from what helium saw arsenic cruel Trump-era policies.

"In summation to that, we recovered ourselves successful a concern erstwhile [Trump] was president, helium was separating babies from their mothers, enactment them successful cages, making definite the families were separated. That's not the close mode to go. 

"What I've done since I've changed the law, it's amended than erstwhile helium near office," helium said.

Fox News' Remy Numa contributed to this report.

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