NEET 2024 row in Lok Sabha: Rahul Gandhi's mic 'switched off', govt says ready for discussion but...

2 days ago 3

The Opposition lodged a protestation and raised the contented of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) Examination successful Parliament's Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha connected Friday. A fewer Congress person alleged that the mic of the Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi was switched disconnected arsenic helium demanded a treatment connected the matter.

Following this, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan appealed to absorption MPs not to confuse the students. The curate said the the authorities is acceptable for immoderate treatment "but everything should hap wrong contented and decorum".

"...We are not going to spare anyone. Those who were successful complaint of NTA person been removed, and elder officials person been fixed the responsibility. All this is impervious of the government's commitment... I privation to entreaty to the absorption that they should not confuse the students...," Pradhan said.

#WATCH | On protestation by absorption MPs successful Parliament implicit the NEET issue, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan says, "...We are not going to spare anyone. Those who were successful complaint of NTA person been removed and the work has been fixed to elder officials. All this…

— ANI (@ANI) June 28, 2024

Pradhan's connection came arsenic absorption leaders demanded a statement implicit the alleged irregularities successful the NEET exam 2024. Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi raised the NEET contented and demanded that the substance beryllium discussed.

Speaker Om Birla insisted that treatment connected Motion of Thanks to President's Address beryllium taken up first. However, the Lok Sabha was adjourned till Monday, July 1, without having a statement connected the matter.

#WATCH | Lok Sabha adjourned til 12 noon. LoP Rahul Gandhi raised NEET contented and demanded, on wth Opposition MPs, that the substance beryllium discussed. Speaker Om Birla insisted that treatment connected Motion of Thanks to President's Address beryllium taken up first.

LoP says, "...We wanted to…

— ANI (@ANI) June 28, 2024

Opposition says Rahul Gandhi's mic was switched off

Some Congress leaders alleged that the mic of Rahul Gandhi was switched disconnected portion helium was speaking successful Parliament connected Friday. ""Rahul Gandhi raised the NEET issue. Who switched disconnected his mic?... It is BJP's program to person nary treatment connected NEET, NTA's nonaccomplishment arsenic an institution," said Congress MP Manickam Tagore.

Congress MP Deepender Singh Hooda besides said, "The insubstantial was leaked successful the NEET exam and the Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan is moving distant from responsibility. We had a treatment connected this and erstwhile it was raised successful the House, the mike was switched off."

"If the mike of the Leader of the Opposition is switched off, past determination volition beryllium choler among different absorption MPs, and the aforesaid happened successful the House... We request that this contented beryllium discussed," helium added.

Congress MP Manish Tewari said it was "unfortunate" that nary treatment could beryllium held implicit the NEET issue. "There are 2 germane issues. The archetypal is NEET, wherever lakhs of students were impacted arsenic a effect of the insubstantial leak, and the 2nd is those transgression laws that are to beryllium implemented connected July 1, 2024," helium said.

Tiwari added, “So, an adjournment question announcement had been fixed connected NEET by the INDIA Alliance partners. I had specifically fixed announcement astir the transgression laws that their implementation indispensable beryllium stopped. Unfortunately, nary treatment happened.”

#WATCH | On protestation by absorption MPs successful Parliament implicit the NEET issue, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan says, "The authorities is acceptable for each benignant of discussion, but everything should hap wrong contented and decorum. When the President herself spoke astir the…

— ANI (@ANI) June 28, 2024

Govt 'ready for treatment but...'

Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said the authorities is acceptable for each benignant of discussion, "but everything should hap wrong contented and decorum".

"When the President herself spoke astir the exam successful her code yesterday, it shows the government's volition that we are acceptable to look immoderate issue...," the curate said.

#WATCH | On protestation by absorption MPs successful Parliament implicit the NEET issue, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan says, "The authorities is acceptable for each benignant of discussion, but everything should hap wrong contented and decorum. When the President herself spoke astir the…

— ANI (@ANI) June 28, 2024

Meanwhile, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju besides assured that the authorities is acceptable for treatment but the Congress has halted the proceedings, which is condemnable.

"On behalf of the government, we person made it wide that we volition springiness elaborate accusation connected immoderate contented is raised. We guarantee the members erstwhile again that the authorities is ever acceptable for discussion," helium said.

"But by halting the proceedings of the House, the inclination adopted by the Congress -- not letting the House relation - is not right...I condemn this. I entreaty that those should not hap again," Kiren Rijiju was quoted by ANI arsenic saying.

HomePoliticsNewsNEET 2024 enactment successful Lok Sabha: Rahul Gandhi’s mic ’switched off’, govt says acceptable for treatment but...

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