New York v. Trump: Merchan delays sentencing hearing until September

2 days ago 3

Judge Juan Merchan has delayed erstwhile President Trump's sentencing successful New York v. Trump to September, aft requests from the presumptive Republican nominee to bash so, and nary absorption from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. 

Trump was recovered blameworthy successful an unprecedented transgression proceedings past period connected each counts of falsifying concern records successful the archetypal degree, pursuing a six-week proceedings stemming from Bragg's investigation. 

Trump connected Monday moved to overturn his transgression condemnation successful the Manhattan lawsuit aft the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a erstwhile president has important immunity for authoritative acts committed portion successful office. He besides requested to hold his sentencing, which was acceptable for July 11 — conscionable days earlier the Republican National Convention wherever helium is acceptable to beryllium formally nominated the 2024 GOP statesmanlike nominee. 

Bragg, connected Tuesday morning, said Trump's petition to flip the verdict was without merit, but did not reason the petition to hold sentencing. 

Merchan connected Tuesday day delayed Trump's sentencing day to Sept. 18. 

This is simply a processing story. Please cheque backmost for updates. 

Brooke Singman is simply a governmental analogous and newsman for Fox News Digital, Fox News Channel and FOX Business.

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