Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary Visits Ukraine

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Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, who has resisted European subject and fiscal assistance for Ukraine, traveled to the state to conscionable with President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban, left, with President Volodymyr Zelensky successful  beforehand   of a show  with the European Union flag.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, left, and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine past period astatine a European Union leaders’ acme successful Brussels. Mr. Zelensky said it was important for the nations to talk.Credit...Pool photograph by Olivier Hoslet

Marc Santora

July 2, 2024, 4:22 a.m. ET

Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, 1 of the fewer European leaders who maintains lukewarm relations with Moscow and has called connected Kyiv to capitulate to Russia’s demands to extremity the bloodshed, arrived successful Ukraine connected Tuesday greeting for his archetypal wartime sojourn to the nation, his spokesperson said.

A vocal professional of supplying subject and different fiscal assistance to Ukraine who relishes his relation arsenic the odd antheral out successful some the European Union and NATO, Mr. Orban said successful an interrogation with the Hungarian quality media connected Monday nighttime that the sojourn would beryllium “the archetypal steps” successful promoting his imaginativeness for ending the war.

That imaginativeness stands successful stark opposition to the program outlined by President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, whose authorities has consistently said that Russia indispensable propulsion its troops retired of Ukraine’s internationally recognized territory earlier immoderate bid talks tin begin. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, however, has shown nary signs of backing down, leaving the 2 sides arsenic acold isolated arsenic ever.

“He is trying to interruption retired of governmental nary man’s onshore successful the E.U., and showing a much unfastened attack toward Kyiv would beryllium cardinal successful this regard,” Edit Zgut-Przybylska, an adjunct prof astatine the Polish Academy of Sciences who has written extensively astir Russian power successful Hungary, said of Mr. Orban.

Although Hungary precocious took implicit the rotating presidency of the European Union, she said, helium volition not beryllium capable to “occupy Brussels” arsenic helium has vowed, and truthful indispensable find a antithetic maneuver to exert his influence.

Despite Mr. Orban’s unfastened clasp of Moscow — including a meeting with Mr. Putin successful Beijing, wherever helium told the Russian person that Hungary “never wanted to face Russia” and “has ever been anxious to grow contacts” — Mr. Zelensky said it was important that Ukraine’s and Hungary’s leaders clasp ceremonial discussions.

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