Schofield takes Golden Path to Rosehill before Lightning raid on Singapore

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Schofield takes Golden Path to Rosehill earlier Lightning raid connected Singapore

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Chad Schofield volition look for mid-winter paydays successful Australia and Singapore this play with a presumption to the future.

Schofield volition nexus with McKell Cup favourite Golden Path astatine Rosehill connected Saturday earlier jumping connected a level to Singapore to effort to triumph a 2nd consecutive Stewards’ Cup connected Lightning Strike for trainer Ted Fitzsimmons connected Sunday.

Chad Schofield drives Golden Path distant  to triumph  astatine  Randwick.

Chad Schofield drives Golden Path distant to triumph astatine Randwick.Credit: Getty Images

“It was bully to get the telephone to spell backmost up to Singapore and thrust Lightning Strike. He should beryllium a bully accidental stepping up to the mile, and successful the Singapore Derby successful a mates of weeks,” Schofield said.

“I won this contention connected Golden Monkey past year, and this bloke looks similar a stayer that is going to beryllium successful the decorativeness connected Sunday.

“Hopefully, I volition spell up determination aft a bully time connected Saturday. Golden Path is surely a equine that is going to beryllium hard to bushed successful immoderate of these diagnostic staying races successful the adjacent period present helium is retired to 2000m. They are a mates of bully rides to person astatine this clip of the year.”

Schofield has had occurrence riding for the Mick Price and Michael Kent jnr unchangeable since they person had a Sydney basal and would similar to physique connected it.

“I rode for Mick arsenic an apprentice successful Melbourne and won a Newmarket for him connected Lankan Rupee. We person ever had a bully association,” Schofield said.

“With him and [Kent] getting a Sydney basal it would beryllium a bully concern to support going due to the fact that they person a unchangeable afloat of bully horses.”

Schofield won the Gosford Cup connected Hezashocka for the unchangeable past month, the aforesaid time helium archetypal got connected Golden Path erstwhile helium finished retired of the placings successful The Coast.


He could spot imaginable successful the lightly raced four-year-old and was capable to get him to triumph successful benchmark institution implicit 2000m with a beardown staying effort.

That show has Golden Path a $2.90 apical prime successful McKell Cup betting for his archetypal effort astatine stakes level implicit 2000m.

“He has ever been a equine with a spot of talent, but I deliberation I got connected him astatine the close clip erstwhile they enactment the blinkers connected him,” Schofield said.

“They person helped him and focused him, and I deliberation helium has enjoyed getting implicit further successful presumption of trip.

“In The Coast helium got cluttered up connected the wrong and we didn’t get to spot the champion of him. When helium got a spot of country the different time astatine Randwick, helium finished disconnected a beardown staying trial with a batch to offer.

“He is simply a equine that relaxes good successful his races and volition beryllium precise comfy arsenic helium steps up to this grade. I deliberation helium has a large aboriginal astatine these types of trips.”

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